I'll look after him again.

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( DeShaun pov)

I walk up stairs after say good by to Curtis.
I was going to keep a eye on Marshall why Curtis and Nathan go the look at a hospital for people with ptsd .
I don't think putting him in some mental hospital is going to help but it's not my place to say.
I open the bedroom door Marshall lays in bed the blanket pulled up over he's head.
Curtis said he's been having trouble getting him out of bed.

I walk to the over side of the bed and kneel down next to it so I can see Marshall's face.
" hay pretty boy you alright? " I ask seeing the tiers fall down he's face.
He nods.
" it's just me and you today buddy Curtis has gone out for a little while I was think we could sit in the garden it's a lovely day outside " I smile.
Panic fills Marshalls eyes. " w w where is he" Marshall asks panicked.
" it's ok he'll be back soon. " I say stroking the sid of Marshall's face.
" h he left me he he's" Marshall breaths heavily.
" it's ok I'm right here he'll be back soon it's all going to be ok" I say.
" I w I want" Marshall sobs
" it's ok your all right I got you " I say sitting up and pulling him in to my arms.
"It all right your alright" I say holding him again my chest and rub he's back slowly.

He crys and crys for houses now mater what I said or did he just cried he won't eat or say anything he just cried.
Until Curtis came back the moment he walked in the the bedroom he tried to get to him crying harder then before.
" hay baby" Curtis said picking him up.
"Its ok don't cry I'm here" Curtis said holding him.
" that's all he's been doing all day. He hasn't stopped crying" I say watching the way Curtis held Marshall. He really dose love him.
I'm so glad.

( Hi everybody hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I have a new story out whit Twenty1eminem it on my page if you haven't read it yet go read it😁
Anyway thanks for reading)

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