Bad Habit

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You always said that I'd come back to you again...

Because everyone needs a friend, it's true.

Harry was laying on the ground when Draco found him. His eyes were closed, and his hands were cold. 

"Harry?!" Draco yelled, shaking Harry violently to try and wake him up. Harry wasn't moving. He remained limp in Draco's arms. Tears started to pour down Draco's face and stained Harry's robes. He didn't know what to do.

Someone to quiet the voices in my head.

To make them sing instead, it's you.

"Harry, please... you... you can't be dead..." Draco nearly whispered. His heart was pounding, and his ears were ringing. He didn't know what to do. Everything was going to hell. He felt his head started to spin and his mouth went dry.

Hate to say that I love you.

Hate to say that I need you.

Hate to say that I want you.

But I do.

Draco kissed Harry sweetly on the forehead and started sobbing into Harry's chest.

"You can't be gone... please. At least not before I tell you-" his voice broke off into more sobs.

Bad habit, I know, but I'm needing you right now.

Can you help me out?

Can I lean on you?

Draco lifted Harry up and started carrying him to the infirmary. He was expecting Harry to wake up before they even got there, but he didn't. Harry never woke up. 

Been one of those days, 

sun don't wanna come out.

Can you help me out? 

Can I lean on you?

Draco was nearly screaming as he burst into the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey looked over at Draco as if she was shocked to see him there... holding Harry. 

"Please, you need to help him! He's dying, please..." Draco said.

"Here, put him on the bed!" She said, tapping one of the beds. Draco put him down and sat in a chair that was next to him, holding his ice-cold hand. Suddenly, Harry's eyes slowly fluttered open and he found himself staring at Draco.

You make me feel like I'm floating off the ground. 

Above this little town, you do.

Look at me smile with tears in my eyes.

I love the way you lie, I do.

Draco smiled slightly at Harry, tears streaming down his face. Harry lifted up a hand to wipe some of the tears away from Draco's face.

Hate to say that I'm lonely,

hate to say that I miss you.

Hate to say that it's dark in here, 

but it's true.

Draco leaned into Harry's touch, trying to embrace every moment that he could spend with him. For all he knew, it could be his last. He knelt down next to the bed where Harry was laying and cleared his throat.

"Don't die on me, Potter. I never got to tell you that I love you," Draco whined. Harry did a slight, sickly sounding chuckle.

"Same old Draco... whining about everything," Harry said.

Harry died that night at 9:26 P.M. Draco by his side every second of it.

Bad habit, I know,

but I'm needing you right now.

Can you help me out?

Can I lean on you?

Draco let out a wail loud enough that it could most likely be heard throughout most of Hogwarts. Draco felt his face get soaked in wet, hot tears and his spine gave in, causing him to collapse on the ground. He was in more distress than anyone had ever seen him.

Ron and Hermione, of course, heard the racket and ran in to investigate. When they saw Harry dead, and Draco wailing on the floor while Madam Pomfrey watched the whole thing, they were really confused.

Been one of those days, 

Sun don't wanna come out.

Can you help me out?

Can I lean on you?

Ron and Hermione ran over and Hermione felt for a pulse. There was none. They sat there in shocked silence.

He was dead. Harry Potter, the most well-known wizard in the world...

was dead.

Hate to say that I'm lonely.

Hate to say that I miss you.

When Draco was finally able to move off of his spot on the floor. He stood up and looked down at Harry.

"How did this happen?" Ron asked Draco. Draco wiped away his tear and walked away as though nothing had happened.

Although, something did happen.

The one person he allowed himself to love. The one person he actually opened his feelings to... was dead.

Hate to say that it's dark in here,

but it's true.

Draco's mind was thinking about a million miles an hour. How could he have allowed this to happen? Surely this had to be a nightmare... he had to wake up, he had to!

He made his way to his dorm room and sat down on his bed. The other Slytherin's were asking him where he had been, but he ignored them. He looked up at the ceiling and tried to clear his head.

Hate to say that I love you,

hate to say that I need you.

Hate to say that I want you, 

but it's true.

Draco drifted off to sleep, where all that was left to haunt him... was his nightmares.

(Okay, so, I know that this one is really stupid and it sucked, but I said that I was going to try to post on weekends. I didn't want to leave you guys without content for a whole week, so I tried. I'll do better on the next one, promise. Love you all! Feel free to message me!)

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