Best Pillow

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You woke up to find yourself laying on something very squishy and soft, but this didn't feel like your pillow, in fact it was much softer and felt nicer than your pillow, you hesitantly lifted up your head to see Samus' face, she smiled at you, you look down to see Samus' breasts, you blushed madly

Samus: Good morning

Your face was buried in Samus' breasts, she hugs you putting your face right back between her breasts

Samus: Stay there, I was comfortable

You lift up your hand up giving her a thumbs up

Samus: There's no need to get up so soon, it's still so early

So it was decided that you both would just stay in bed for a while with your face buried in Samus' breasts

Samus x Male Reader (Metroid/Smash Bros)Where stories live. Discover now