Two hundred - six

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"Hi darling" mum smiled as she got into the car

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"Hi darling" mum smiled as she got into the car.

"Hey" I smile back turning down the volume of the music. Mum has booked me in for an hair appointment however, she wanted to come as it's her friend who owns the shop.

"You okay? How are you?" She asked as I drove off

"I'm good, it's the kids second last day of school before the holidays so they're quite excited for that" I say

"That's good" mum nodded

We eventually made it to the hairdressers and mum introduced me to her friend before she sat me down "so Alissa, What we thinking?" Jane asked

"I think just a small trim and blonde highlights all the way through" I tell her

"Perfect" she nodded "okay so I'll give you a book with different type of blondes you can choose from" she said and I nodded

There was loads of different colours in the book however I eventually choose one as she added the highlights.

It took around three hours but eventually it was done. "Wow, I love It" I smile running my fingers through it

"It suits you so well" mum smiled walking over

"If you want it topped up just come back" Jane smiled as we walked over to the desk "Alright that'll be sixty pound please"

"Keep the seventy" I say handing the money over

"Thank you love. See you soon" she smiled

"Thank You" I gave her a smile before leaving the shop with mum.

"You do look lovely" mum smiled

"Thank you" i grin getting in the car

I dropped my mum home before Heading back home "I'm home" I call out but no answer.

I frowned before walking upstairs. Where is everyone? I pushed open my bedroom door to see Conor half asleep , still shirtless, which means he hasn't moved since I left this morning, and joe and Mikey were sat on the bed next to him "hey?" I laugh

"Alissa" joe turned his camera towards me "look who it is. Didn't expect to see you here" he joked

"I didn't expect to see you here either" I laugh taking off my shoes and jacket

"Nice hair" Mikey said "did you just get it done?"

"Yeah, do you like it?" I ask

"Yeah, it's well nice" joe nodded

"Cor the blondie" Mikey laughed

"What's up with him?" I ask as joe turned the vlogging camera towards Conor

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