Two hundred - eighteen

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I added a few final extra bits into the suitcase and zipped it up

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I added a few final extra bits into the suitcase and zipped it up. Conor is heading to New York tomorrow morning, so I'm helping get prepared. Well i say helping, I actually mean doing it all for him. He hates packing so I do it, I don't mind as I know it means he's organised when he gets there.

I placed the suitcase by the bedroom door before heading downstairs "You're all packed con, you just have to sort your hand luggage" i say, seeing him laid across the sofa

"Thank you baby" he smiled "what would I do without you?" He asked reaching out for me. I let him take my hands in his and I sat on the edge of the couch

"You'd struggle" I tease and he playfully rolled his eyes making me giggle "I'll miss you" I pout

"I'll miss you too gorgeous" he pouted too, moving some hair away from my face "at least it's only three weeks this time" he said and I nodded

"Three weeks without you is to long!" I playfully whine as I rested my head on his chest. I heard him chuckle slightly before kissing my head. I lifted my head and looked at him, a smile started growing on his face before he cupped my cheeks and pulled me towards him and landing his lips on mine. I ended up moving to place my legs in between his. Conor's hands slid around my back and to my bum where he squeezed it a couple times. 

I started smiling when he squeezed onto the back of my thighs to pull me closer, so my legs were on either side of his hips. "Later baby" I whisper feeling him grope my ass again

"I was never implying anything" he teased in between kisses, I giggled slightly before slowly pulling back "although if you're down for it"

I chuckled slightly and shook my head "tonight" I smile "we have a food shop to do today" I say in a jokingly enthusiastic way. Conor groaned dramatically which made me laugh "it's fine we only need a couple bits" I laugh lightly kissing him

"When are we going then?"

"Whenever"I shrug

"Well can I get this quick call with my manger out the way and then we can go?" He asked and I nodded. I moved off him and he quickly went upstairs to do what he needed. I sorted the living room out quickly and sat and watched an episode of stranger things.

After realising the time I went upstairs to find Conor as we do need to go food shopping before the kids get home from school. Conor was sat on the floor with his back against the bed and he was typing on his phone. I crawled along the bed and sat on the edge "you all good?" I ask him placing my hand on his shoulders, I moved over so my legs were either side of him

"Yeah, just talking to Aaron about tomorrow" Conor said and I nodded "flights are at twelve so don't have to get up early"

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