Two hundred - eleven

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"Hurry up" I call from the front door

"I'm coming" Conor called back coming down the stairs very slowly

I rolled my eyes before getting into the passenger side of the car. Conor joined me shortly after and started the car "shit! You didn't cover these up" Conor said

"Oh shit" I gasp, but I couldn't help and laugh

"Alissa" Conor groaned looking at them in the mirror

"It's not that bad, put on this hoodie" I say grabbing his purpose hoodie from the backseat

Once we came to a red light he quickly pulled on the hoodie and lifted the hood up a little to try hide them "see it's all good" I nod, slightly lying.

We have a doctors appointment, our first doctors appointment since I found out I was pregnant. But we're picking Tatum up from my mums first since she wanted to come.

We arrived at the hospital shortly after picking up Tatum and parked up

"Let's hope there's actually a baby" Conor chuckled

"There will be, it was a blood test not at home test" I shrug and Conor nodded

"I'm kinda nervous" Tatum said


"I've never been to one of these appointments before" she shrugged

"Yeah and after this you won't ever again" Conor said

"What? What about if I have a baby?" She laughed

"Yeah my point exactly" he said, I playfully rolled my eyes and Tatum chuckled

"Mrs maynard" Clair the nurse called out. Me, Conor and Tatum all stood up and we followed her down the corridor and into her room "so who do we have here?" the nurse smiled

"our daughter Tatum" I say and she smiled at her

"And Conor you're the father of this baby too?" She asked

"Yeah" Conor nodded "well I hope so" he joked making us all laugh

"Okay so it says here your pregnancy results came through from a blood test?" She asked

"Yeah" I nod

"Alright and it's your..."

"Well when I found out the doctor said I was just coming up to two months" I say

"Perfect, so if you'll just lay up on the bed and we'll get you sorted" she said, I laid myself on the bed and the nurse pulled two chairs over for Conor and Tatum "can you roll up your jumper for me lovely" She said and I did "how old are you?" She asked looking at Tatum

"Thirteen" She said

"Are you excited?"

"I'm nervous to see it" Tatum chuckled

"There's really nothing to worry about, its just a small little figure on the screen" Clair smiled "right here comes the cold gel Alissa" she smiled applying it on my stomach

"Actually, thirteen years ago, I was doing this for your parents to see you" the nurse smiled

"Really?" Tatum kinda gasped

"I've done this a couple of times for you guys" Clair laughed

"Well this is our last so after this you won't see us again" Conor laughed

"How many do you have now?" She asked running the monitor along my stomach

"This will be our fifth" I say

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