Chapter 4: "The Speech (Part 1)"

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Chapter 4: "The Speech (Part 1)"

"Ginnifer, pacing back-and-forth like a hyperactive maniac isn't going to make this evening go by any faster."

"That's a hell of a lot easier for you to say; all you have to do is stand next to Paul and look pretty. If Paul fucks up his speech tonight- even a little- it'll be me who pays for it."

Ariel looked at me with large buggy eyes as the shock of my tone stung through her body. I'd only ever spoken to her that way when I was truly frightened. Yet, knowing better than to instigate the issue, she brushed off my blatantly rude remarks and handed me back a large Manila envelope.

"Here. In all of the time I spend 'looking pretty' next to Paul, I managed to finish reading your damned novel. I used some post-it notes for commentary. You're welcome."

"Oh. Uhhh..." I put the heavy package under my arm as I involuntarily allowed my nervousness to take over. "Erm- Did- did you like it?"

"Psh! Like it..." Ariel scoffed and turned briefly to grab a martini off the tray of one of the catering boys. "Ginnifer, it was a fucking revolutionary masterpiece, you know that as well as I. The problem is that you've yet to allow yourself to admit it. Stop letting fear drive you away from achieving what you want in life."

You're right.

"Look, I have to go make sure that all of the papers are in order with UNICEF before this shit-storm begins. I'll catch up with you later; have a drink and relax for a bit." She handed me the remainder of her martini and pecked my cheek before scurrying into the next room.

Ariel's words rung repeatedly through my ears as I flattened out the ends of my emerald green dress. Believe it or not, I had specifically bought it for this exact occasion; I felt that, by doing so, it would perhaps numb the anxiety that I'd built up. I was wrong. No amount of fancy dresses or surprisingly well-made martinis could conceivably ease my mood.

God, I want a-

Wait. No, Amber. Don't.

You quit. You've stayed strong for over 3 months. Don't give in now...

Quite suddenly, a familiar desire took hold to the bottom of my Burgandy lips. An adrenalized desire to push through the crowd of rich snobs whom surrounded me and step outside for just one single drag. Its appeal made my mouth dry... and my body was engulfed by the mere idea. It all seemed so simple. And yet, matter not my improvements... matter not my morals, overwhelmed as I was, I couldn't bring myself to say 'no'. I wasn't provoked, I was ordered.

Fuck it.

Once through the lobby and out the revolving doors, I saw him. That intern. The one whose name I could never remember. His hair was neatly combed to the side and you could smell the Axe body spray from a good 5 miles away. He wore a red vest, 2 sizes too large, that indicated he worked with the valet. And as he brought his attention towards me, he smiled like young child admiring his presents on Christmas morning.

"Ginny!" The boy exclaimed with pure delight and waved his gloved hand into the air.

Oh no...

"Oh! Hey!....." I tried desperately to ad-lib as my eyes tracked about frantically for a name tag. ""

'The Hilton Hotel: DANNY'

"Danny! Danny! Yes, Danny. It's great to see you."

Thank God.

His smile dimmed a bit as he made an attempt to deepen his tone. "I, uh... I didn't think that you'd be here this evening. I mean, I know Mr. Whitman is making a speech tonight, so it makes sense that you'd come to support him. There's just a bunch of really high-class people in there, you know? Not that you aren't high-class or anything! I mean... a gorgeous, sophisticated woman like you. Of course you're full of class. You're probably even classier than the other snobs in there. Not that you're a snob either! I just- I just meant that-"

"Danny." I couldn't help but giggle as I interrupted his apparently nervous rambling. "It's alright, I understand what you mean. Thank you."

He laughed along with me to mask his regret. "Yeah, yeah, no problem. So, um, what brings you outside? It's pretty boring out here honestly... Not much to do."

"Actually Danny, I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the nearest liquor store?"

"Oh yeah, of course! Ummm... Let me think...." He paced across the concrete as if he were physically searching for the correct route. "Gee. I, uh, I don't actually think there's one for a few miles. Are you planning on driving there?"

"No. I carpooled over here with Ariel. You know what, never mind the liquor store... It's not important anyway."

Just as I'd turned disappointedly to go back inside, he blurted out again. "No wait! What is it you need? I could take a break and go get it for you! You can ask me for anything, Ginny. Remember?"

I stopped and took a deep breath to regather my patience for the poor boy. "I appreciate that Danny, I truly do. But a pack of cigarettes is nothing trivial... nor should you have to bother to go out of your way for me to get it. You're working and I don't want to get you in any trouble. Again, I appreciate the gesture, but I'll be fine."

"Wait... Cigarettes?" He grinned boyishly and dug into his back pants pocket. "I've got a fresh pack right here!"

Danny tossed an unopened pack of Malboros over his head in my direction. As I caught the package with my right hand and clenched it tightly, I felt that sinful desire creep back up my throat and onto my lips.

I had to moisten my mouth before speaking again. "I didn't know you smoked, Danny."

"Yep." He puffed out his chest and the faux deep tone returned. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me. A lot of mysteries."

I removed the plastic wrapping and placed the thin cigarette right between my teeth. Without so much as needing to ask, Danny already had a lighter out and ready for my use.

"Ahhh..." I savored the long line of smoke that entered my lungs. "Thanks, Danny. You're a gem."

"Like I said, anything for you, Ginny."

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