Chapter 7: "A Proposition"

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Chapter 7: "A Proposition"

Amber's journal-

Ironic, isn't it? How when you worry time and time again about something you haven't any control over, it ends with the worst possible result. Lord knows He can't resist any opportune moment to strike a most wrathful vengeance upon the. But despite the unruly chaos of the evening, I couldn't help replaying the short conversation I'd had with Ralph prior.

I've noticed now that a man of his genuinity and honesty could commonly be mistaken as arrogant and rude. And though at the time I took it as such, I realize he was simply trying to ease my anxious head. Trying to relax me... Assure my peace of mind.

A kind man really. Yet surly, by now he's realized that there was a mix-up and he ended up with my piece-of-crap novel instead of the intended UNICEF contract. The same UNICEF contract that, along with a plethora of fuck-ups, Paul will most likely have my head for.

Well, guess it's time to down a few shots of bleach and apply for that EBT card 'cuz this girl is unemployed!

"Ginnifer?" Ariel entered the room with extreme caution, for she knew she had earned her space at the top of my shit-list. "I understand that you're probably furious with me right now, but I only came in to tell you that Paul needs you in his office. He said it's urgent."

A quick flick of the eyes pierced her in her standing. I scoffed as the word 'probably' still rang with ignorance in my ear. "Hm. Curious as to what's so urgent. Aren't you, Ariel?"

"Oh, give it a rest Ginnifer! I said that I was sorry. I fucked up, okay? I fucked up big time. But you know that no matter what I say to Paul he's still going to argue that the sky is fucking chartreuse!"

"Is it?" My sarcasm took on in a particularly rude manner. "I haven't been out much today, you never know.."

She threw her hands over her head and began to show herself out. "Screw it. I don't have the patience today. Polls are in less than three months and I have a campaign to run. Let me know when you're done being a child."

Perhaps she was right, and I was taking this whole mishap way out of proportion. Accidents happen, and in any other circumstance, I would have overlooked the situation as though it were nothing more. However, as has been made abundantly clear in the past, Paul doesn't believe in accidents when it comes to his campaign; or rather, he doesn't believe in the ones made by other people. As if you needed anymore reason to fall head-over-heels for our charming future governor.

*knock, knock*

Speaking of the devil...

"Good morning, Ms. Smith." Paul strolled in with an uncanny tranquility to his stature. "Beautiful day now, isn't it?"

"Uhhh..." I mumbled, curious as to why he was exchanging casualties about the morning weather instead of jumping at the opportunity to immediately fire my ass.

"Not quite as cold and overcast as the weeks prior. I'm seeing a real change for the better in our forecast, aren't you?"

Where the fuck is he taking this?

"Um, yeah. It's... a true difference."

Paul took a seat beside my desk and tightened his poorly embroidered tie. "As a matter of fact, I think the next few weeks are just filled with opportunities. Ones that can benefit us both."

Oh God, he's not suggesting that I..

"Despite your blatantly ignorant stunt last weekend, and its rather unfortunate proceedings, you've granted us a most gracious political advantage."

My face ran pale with complete confusion. "I... I have?"

"Mr. Ralph Fiennes, who apart from his prestigious media career, just so happens to be the highly-valued board director for UNICEF, called me just minutes ago... insisting that you personally accompany him to dinner this Saturday night. He said that he'd like to personally correct any paperwork mishaps and become more acquainted with you."

My stomach knotted in immediate response, overwhelmed with an accurate blend of anxiety and disbelief. As the memory of our brief encounter dawned on me once more, I knew that I could never again bear to face Ralph. One night of utter failure and embarrassment was more than enough for me to handle. Needn't go in for round two.

"Of course I tried to reason with him about other alternatives, such as simply mailing the correct contract or sending a more suitable admin, but he was exceedingly persistent that I only send you." Paul leaned in more closely, allowing the stench of rotten onions to escape his thin mouth and pollute my limited air. "Which brings us to a most exclusive proposition."

I'm eager to hear this one...

"Which is?"

"To sleep with him, of course."

"WHAT!?" I pushed back my chair and struggled to stand. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND?!"

"Quite the opposite Ms. Smith, I've given this quite a bit of thought. You and I both know that his publicity would be absolutely invaluable for this campaign. Which is why I need him wrapped tightly around your innocent little finger."

"Let me get this straight. You want me become romantically involved with Ralph Fiennes just so that you can use him to your advantage during your campaign?"

"Precisely! And who's to say you'll ever even have to go as far as sleeping with him." He rose to his feet and began to fiddle with the lower hem of my dress. "All you'll really need to do is just show off a bit of skin, batt those pretty little blue eyes of yours, and reel him on in. It's that easy."

"I-I... I don't feel comfortable doing this." My lower lip quivered as my knees trembled closely together.

Paul released my dress and made his way toward my office door. "I'm sure you'll warm up to the idea soon enough. I'd be disappointed to see your career end up in shambles... And who knows what'll happen to Ariel and Danny. I'm a man with many connections and I carry much more power in this state than you'd be lead to believe. I know you'll make the wise decision, Ms. Smith. The future of you and the ones you hold most dear shall depend upon it."

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