Never got a to death does us part.

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Kacy's POV

I woke up.I'm the to me was Dave ,Riley who was sleeping in his lap. Tarrani who was sleep and queen who pacing around the room. I reached my hand out and touched Dave. "Is he?" I said slowly.he nodded. Everyone was now awoke and looking at me.tears ran down my eyes.Riley climbed into the hospital bed and said "mommy Nate is a angel he is in the sky dancing with God." She said.when she said that I smiled a teaching  her well.i saw scars and bandages on Riley's body which made me cry again.then tarrani stormed out the room.

Tarrani's POV 

I'm sick of my mom ruining my sister happiness.i need to stop this.i found out we're my mom is living and I decided to take  matters into my own hands.i got into my car and drove to her apartment.i grabbed my bat and my gun.and went inside the building. "What apartment number does  Jenna bake weld (the mom) live in" I ask the lady at the front desk.  "Apt 189" the lady smiled and I nodded and walked to the room.i busted the door with my bat.i walked into the bedroom and saw my mom and a Nate lookalike in the bed.i clocked my gun and they sat up shook."please Tarrani no?!" She yelled and I shot. Boom boom.two people dead.there blood was splattered everywhere and there bodies laid in the bed.i snickered at her face.i shot her in the head.her eye ball was falling out her head.i then quickly ran out the house.i went throw the lobby and the lady smiled and I nodded and ran to my car and drove to the hospital.i went into the hospitals waiting room and I saw Dave. "We're the fuck you go?" He semi yelled. "Out!" I said smartly. "Look kacy needs u so no have time for ur bs" he said then walked away.

Riley's POV

Daddy told me to stay in the hospital room with mommy while he look for Tarrani. Queen was in the room and mom was sleep so I decided to take a tour of the hospital.i went into a room and a old lady laid in the room. "Hi!" I said to her.she smiled and just looked.i smiled and quickly left the room because she was creepy. I then saw a room with Nate's name drew on the sign with marker.i opened the door and his room was empty.i then closed the door.i walked around a bit.i saw a big door with a big white sign that said was a lot of  drawers  With names in them.then there was this mettle thing that looked like a Mettle ironing had a sheet on it.i grabbed the sheet and I saw Nate laying there with no clothes on.he was pale and scary.i thought he was dead.i panicked and accidentally knocked him over and he fell in me.i pushed him off me and ran out of the room screaming.queen was standing in front of the door and hugged me tight. "It's ok baby what did you see?" She asked. "Zombie Nate!" I screamed crying.she held me tighter in her arms as I cried loudly.

Kacy's POV

I was lying in the hospital bed on my phone texting my dad.then Tarrani ran into the hospital room. "Hey?you ok?" I asked her.she looked panicked. "I killed mom and I killed a man who looked like Nate.the police are here looking for me!" She said paranoid. "Wait wait what?" I said. Then the room was swarmed with police. "Tarrani miller?" A officer said. "Yes?" She said. "There's a  warrant out for your Arrest .you have the right to remain silent anything  you say can be used against you . The officer said hooking handcuffs to her hands and extorting her out the room.i was so  shocked that words didn't leave my mouth.dave ran into the room and said "what happened?". I broke out it I tears.

Wow😞.poor kacy.anywho how was this chapter juicy right 🙃? Two ep in one night has sis ❤️😂. Pls like and comment pls it keeps me going and shows how much you like this story! 

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