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"You have to focus, Marina! I have taught you better than this

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"You have to focus, Marina! I have taught you better than this."

Tom looked at Marina with fire in his eyes as she dropped her hand to the side. She shook her head, and with a weak voice whispered, "it's not that easy Father. It's not, it's not, it's not..."

The chilling air of the Chamber of Secrets made her shiver - or maybe it was just her fear? Her father clenched his jaw, taking a step forward. "Focus!" he bellowed, which resulted in her jumping. "After you feel the adrenaline - the crave to do it again - you will regret even hesitating!"

Marina was completely frozen now. She could feel tears begin to form in her eyes, but she didn't want him to see it, so she looked down at the floor and squeezed her eyes shut. She needed to be strong; weapons don't weep. Tears were a sign of weakness, and she was not weak. But Merlin, she felt her fear crush her when Tom bowed down beside Ginny, who was in some kind of dream state, and used his wand to play with her hair.

"I can't do it, Father-"

"Just two simple words..."

"It will kill her!"

"You know she will be dead anyway. But my method will be far, far worse."

When Marina did not do anything except stare at the younger girl trough glossy eyes, Tom dug his wand into Ginny's cheek.

"Well, then... I thought I had raised you right. But I guess not... Crucio!"

Unbearable pain, taking over every cell of the body. As Ginny twitched on the ground, Marina collapsed beside her. She could hear her father laugh when he heard her screams - it seemed like he enjoyed her pain.

Suddenly, it ended. All the suffering, suddenly lifted off her. Marina bolted upwards, her eyes flickering around the room. The black bedsheet, the sound of being underwater; yes, she was still in the Dorm Room. It had only been a dream - a nightmare. Sweat was dripping from her forehead as she slowly walked out of the room, looking down at her shaking hands.

Her father had been creating nightmares in her head since her second year. He wanted to make her stronger, braver, but it seemed only to break her; parts of her died with the nightmares, and she couldn't do anything to stop it. It was like her father had taken over her mind and played with it like a toy.

Entering the Common Room with heavy steps, she still found it hard to breathe properly. She dug her fingernails into her skin, and bit down on the inside of her cheek. It was dark, yet she could quickly see the shadow of a boy.

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