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Marina looked at her reflection in the thin mirror in the Slytherin Common Room

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Marina looked at her reflection in the thin mirror in the Slytherin Common Room. In a few minutes, she would attend the Yule Ball.

Brushing a hand over her silky dress, she admired herself. Narcissa had been able to get her the most beautiful (and probably most expensive) dress in Hogsmeade. With golden details, it would make every girl envy her. Her dark hair was all dolled up, half-up, half-down; her lips stained with red, matching the uniform of her date.

"You look absolutely amazing," he told her, standing by the door, his hands in his pockets. His lips created a playful smirk.

"Well, tell me something I don't know..."

"Let's go then, My Lady," Isak said, reaching for her hand. She suddenly got tense — only Death Eaters used to call her that. He must have noticed how her muscles tightened, for he knit his eyebrows together, "What is it?"

She shook her head and placed her hand in his. His touch was warm. "Nothing," she said, shaking her head. "Tell me, who was your father, again?"

"Oh! Wait! I forgot something!" he said, quickly turning toward the door again. "Just go to the Hall, I'll be there in a minute."

And just like that, he disappeared out of the room, and she was left alone. He hadn't answered her question. Truth be told, she didn't want to go to the Ball with him. She wished to go with Harry, but she couldn't, for he had found a date long before she had.

Marina didn't think much of Isak. Walking out of the Common Room and setting off toward the Great Hall alone, a part of her wished that he wouldn't return. But she needed the clue to the Second Task, and he could give it to her. She had tried to get in contact with her father, but he wouldn't talk to her, and Junior was busy. She had proved that she could win the First Task without their help — she could manage to win another without them.

Trying to focus on something else than the Tournament, she thought about how lovely the Ball would be. She wasn't going to be at Isak's side at all times... The teachers had transformed the Great Hall into a winter wonderland, and she could not wait to see it. Standing outside the door to the Great Hall, she felt herself growing excited.

Marina watched Draco and Pansy stumble down the staircase, Draco in his usual black suit, and Pansy in a purple, short dress, smiling wider than ever. She waved at Marina like she was a princess.

"Are you standing here all alone?"

"Only for a second," Marina smiled, batting her eyes. "You look good, Pansy."

The Parkinson looked at the floor for a split second before her eyes met Black's again. "How I wish I could say the same to you, Primadonna."

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