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On the 23rd of November, the first task of the Triwizard Tournament kicked off

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On the 23rd of November, the first task of the Triwizard Tournament kicked off. It was designed to test the champions' daring. When all the others were shaking of fear, Marina was smiling wide, more confident than she had ever been.

What was fear, anyway? A stiff body and tingling fingers to prevent her from giving the competition her all? It was an illusion. And she had no reason to believe it. She was the daughter of the most dangerous wizard of his time and a merciless killer locked away. Fear didn't exist in her blood; power did.

However, fear had taken the other champions' strengths, for she could hear their hearts beat fast and smell the anxiety they were trying so hard to hide. It reeked in the small tent they were standing in, mixing with... cheap perfume?

"I think you've got some competition both in this tournament and in love, Miss Black!" Rita Skeeter burst out, licking her thin lips.

Automatically, Marina thought of Potter. Not because of the cheap perfume (that was, without doubt, Rita's awful attempt at covering up the stench of cheap lies and a nasty reputation), but because of the word 'love'. Who else than Potter could her supposed affection revolve around? The journalist had asked her multiple times if she had eyes on any champions during their interview.

She found him standing close by the opening of the tent, his arms wrapped around Granger. A groan left Marina as she turned back to Skeeter, shaking her head. That was when the cameraman behind the journalist shot a picture of her face.

"You 'ave no business here!" a loud voice bellowed from the other side of the tent. The flash from the camera had blinded Marina's eyes, but she could tell who the owner of the voice was: Krum.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at Skeeter, biting the inside of her cheek. "You should probably listen to him before you get hurt..."

"This tent is for champions and friends!" Krum spat.

Rita only winked in response. The cameraman took a picture of Krum. Now, both Marina and Krum were squeezing their eyes shut. Rita left the tent with a big smile, leaving behind the scent of her fruity perfume. The pictures would probably make the first page if either of them won the first challenge (but winning would only be possible if Marina gained her sight back quickly).

"Good day champions," Dumbledore said cheering, entering the tent. "The moment has arrived! A moment only the four of you could appreciate."

The group of champions gathered around Dumbledore. It looked like the Headmaster was preparing to give a passionate speech, but then-

"Wha-What are you doing here, Miss Granger?"

"Oh!" The bushy-haired Gryffindor awkwardly looked at her feet while she stepped away from Potter. Marina arched a brow. "Err, sorry, I'll just... go."

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