Chapter 11: What The Blyat Happened

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'Shit! Shit! Shit! What have I done?!' were basically the only thoughts inside Kakashi's head right now. Back in Konohagakure no Sato and Elemental nations, he is known as a genius, a prodigy, an elite ninja, a lazy ass, and a pervert. But right at the moment, only the pervert description rings true. It seems that he, Kakashi, a genius, apparently failed to use his brain in situations involving his fragile and heartbroken friend.

"Hey! What happened here? Hana called me because she said she saw Obito with tears flowing down his face." Meiko asked the still shocked silver haired guy.

"W-we were just s-sparring, I pranked him as a revenge, but I never thought that it would end up so bad..." Kakashi managed to groan out.

"Huh? What do you mean? And where is he?" She asked again, confusion plastered on her face.

"He went in his own dimension and he is mad at me... Because of my shitty prank..." Kakashi is feeling really bad that he began to blame himself. He knew that Obito still have some classes to attend, but because of his ridiculous stunt, he had just caused his friend some shit that is worth a week of migraine and emotional distress.

"Hmm, figures. What kind of prank did you do to him anyway?" Meiko asked him as her curiosity as the Vice President of the Underground Student Council is getting the best of her.

"A prank using my Sharingan, a nasty genjutsu... And if you are still curious as to what is inside the genjutsu, then forgive me for I will not bother telling anyone." Kakashi responded. His face looking stoic but with hints of sadness still apparent.

Meiko just sighed after hearing him explain. Even a small prank became a small headache.

"I may not know what exactly happened, but I'll say this anyway. Fix your mess and sincerely apologize to him. It would be bad if he starts to ditch classes just because of a sudden bout of depression brought to him by you. His teachers said that he is really good in Mathematics and Science. Now go to him."

"I guess you are right... But I will bring some shinobi just in case he starts attacking me out of rage..."

"Well, what would you expect? You already said it yourself. You pranked him and it did not end well. Good luck in solving your problem." The vice president told Kakashi with a frown on her face.

And with their little conversation done, the genius prankster ran to their room to gather his equipment and weapons. After setting up his gear, he went outside to the hallway.

"Alright, here goes nothing. KAMUI!" The familiar swirling air and sound can be seen and heard in the hallway as Kakashi used the same infamous technique of Obito.

(Kamui Dimension)

The heartbroken guy known as Obito sensed the familiar swirl of Kamui in his dimension. He was surprised to see Kakashi in full shinobi gear, with kunais, shurikens, paper bombs, and all.

"O-Obito" the genius groaned out.

"What the fuck do you want?" Was his only reply. Lots of negative thoughts are flooding his mind.

"I just wan- I am sorry. I am really sorry, I never thought my crappy prank would end up this bad." Kakashi told him with a straight but sincere face.

"Really? Then why did you used those images? You know what hurts me the most yet you still did it. Where's that pervy brain of yours?!" The Uchiha yelled at his face. Obito's dōjutsu glared at him dangerously.

Kakashi is silent. He knew Obito is right. What he did is a stupid stunt that only strained the relationship between them. He does not have an answer to Obito's questions.

"You know what Mr. Genius, I am having an itch lately. I am itching to see this chakra rod pierce your chest, just like how a Chidori pierced her chest... But I can't do that... Why? Because we are still friends. But after what happened, I think I would need some time to think. Let's not see each other for a while. Goodbye."

Just as Obito is about to teleport into his room, he heard Kakashi call his name.

"Wait Obito! Does that mean that you forgive me?" He wants to know what Obito feels towards his sincere apology.

"Maybe yes, maybe not. But one thing is for sure, we will not talk to each other for a while, so that our emotions can calm down and once again be logical. Goodbye." And with that, Obito vanished.

(USC Office - 3 PM)

"Meiko-san, what happened to those two? You know that I called you because I don't want to deal with those type of things." Hana told the gray haired busty girl.

"Things were difficult for those two, Hana-san. It all happened because of a prank that backfired."

"Oh, is that so? What exactly happened?" Hana's curiosity is getting the best of her.

"Look Hana, I want to sate your curiosity since we are both authorities here in this campus, but right now, I feel an incoming  headache. Let's just talk about the details tomorrow." The vice president told the secretary with a sigh and frown.

"Mou, Meiko-chan, you know I am quite impatient when it comes to information about the students." Hana told her with a cute pout while hoping that the vice president will tell her the exact details.

"You know that, that,  does not work on me. Now do your duties, I am having a headache right now." The blond haired secretary could only laugh at her at the moment.

(Room - 3:40 PM)

"That's it, I will forgive him but I think it will be the thing for the both of us at the moment. No communications with each other so that we can both move on."
Obito muttered to himself.

Another familiar swirl occured outside the building and Kakashi materialized shortly thereafter. He then went to the cafeteria to get something to munch on while thinking about his apology and Obito. He heard a female voice call him.

"Hey! You must be Kakashi Hatake, my sister said you're a new student here and a close friend of Obito. Why are you alone here at the moment?" Chiyo asked him with a curious look on her cute face.
Kakashi flinched during certain parts of her speech, especially at the "close friend" part, but he had managed to maintain a straight face. He decided to answer her questions.

"Uhh yes, we're friends. I just went here to get some snack. Who is your sister by the way?" He replied with his signature eye smile.

"Hehe you had actually met her, Mari-chan, the president of the USC." She said with a smile.

"Oh, is that so? What is your name by the way?"

"Chiyo, Chiyo Kurihara, it was nice meeting you Hatake-san"

"It was nice meeting you too Chiyo-san, I need to go now, see ya."

"See ya!" She replied.

'Hmm, why does it seem that he is troubled at the moment and is hurrying? Uhh, I'll just ask him tomorrow.'

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