OwO (idk what to put as a title)

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I hate that moment when I try to start writing a new part and Ik what I wanna do but I forget what I did last chapter so I have to re read it and then what I wanna do doesn't make sense cus it doesn't fit the other chapters so I have to come up with thi- ok ima stop there (wtflips all the car insurance adds)

Yang PoV
Soooo I now have gotten me into a weird situation where I have to share a bed with Blake it's gonna be real warm in that bed cause of my semblance but whatever. UGH why did I have to be lazy and not get the bed frame and mattress? I am regretting all my life choices at this moment and time (this is so dumb wth why are u still reading this?) I mean at least Blake is pretty.. and she smells nice.. N-NOT LIKE I SMELL HER AND HER STUFF THATS WEIRD HAHA n-no I don't do that but seriously i don't. HEY STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK I DONT! Just when she walks by me I can smell her sent. A-anyway were here to pick a....chess piece? Blake and wiess wonder around looking at different game board items (OwO)
"How about a cute little pony?" I say obnoxiously loud
"Sure" Blake responded in a mildly sarcastic tone
"You ok with that Weiss?" I ask since she's been a bit quiet...
"Yeah whatever" she replies bluntly
"Anyway let's get out of here" Blake states
"Please"wiess replies in a fed up tone of voice

We start making our way out of the forest and gradually making our way out and fighting off Grimm

"Ahh!? There's only 3 of you?" Professor ozpin has addressed us in a surprised matter
"U-uhm...I-" suddenly I was cut off by ozpin
"Don't worry about it, there is still exchange students to come I guess one of them will be put in a team with you" he said
"O-oh.. right" I said to myself

We all were lined up and headed back to the school, slowly making our way to our dorm.
As soon as I open the door I immediately crash onto my bed. "Can we sleep?" I ask in a tired voice
"witch beds are we all sleeping in?" Weiss asked
"Well I guess me and Blake can sleep in her bed for the next like 2 nights since she's been here a few days longer.." I say
"Y-yeah that's ok with me" Blake replies hiding her face slightly. Huh I wonder why that is.
"Well we all seem tired. We should get showered up and ready for bed." Wiess suggests. Finally something that came out her mouth that actually sounds like a good idea.
I take a shower first followed by Weiss then Blake.
I plop down onto Blake's bed closing my eyes. I feel rustling around me, confused I open my eyes to see Blake right next to me. I almost fall out of bed since I completely forgot about us sharing a bed. I turn my body so I'm facing towards her back. My legs had brushed across her legs and they were freezing cold. Like I know my body temperature is a lot higher than usual so maybe she is only slightly cold but to me they felt very cold :(.
"Hey blake....you awake?" I whisper trying not to wake up Weiss. A few seconds pass by assuming that she's just asleep
"Yeah I'm awake" she whispers back
"A-..are you cold?" I ask whilst still being quiet
"Uhm..kinda" she replies "why do you ask?"
Without any warning I wrap my arms around her body using my excess heat to warm her up.
I tangle our legs together and pull her closer.
I heard her squeak slightly at the sudden movement..cute....
At first she felt quite tense to what I did but I could feel her melt into my arms. And for the rest of my night I hold Blake close to me

Authors thingy or whatever
Awe I wish this will happen in RWBY Volume 7 tho lol. But Ik I keep saying this but I'll try and post more often since I have a real good idea of what I wanna do

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