Chptr whatever

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Yang POV
I wake up at the break of sunlight shinning through our curtains. I feel warmth beside me. I roll my body over and I am face to face with Blake. I jumped for a moment not realizing I was still in Blake's bed. From the movement Blake starts to nuzzle her head into the crook of my neck hugging me tighter. Like I was some sort of giant teddy bear. Her breathing on my neck made me shudder which caused my face to shift its hue to a crimson red spread across my cheeks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I started to get fidgety and flustered as she was rubbing her body against mine trying to get comfy.
"Mmhmm..." I hear from behind me
I jump for a moment remembering that wiess is in the room. She ends up just repositioning herself turning over so that she's facing the wall. I turn my attention back to Blake who is still sound asleep. Since I can't seem to fall back asleep and it's already morning I try to get out of bed and head to the shower. Key word, try. I take one foot and place it on the ground lifting up my body. But here's the twist, I felt a hand grab onto my arm. Obviously it's Blake who else would it be? I look back and she mumbles something to me
"Don't...go....warmth" she said sleepily
Awe :3 adorable. How can I resist that face even tho you ppl can't see what I'm seeing. She tugs at my arm so I end up crawling back into bed with her and as soon as I grab ahold of her, her eyes flutter open. Her head was facing my chest so that would be an odd sight to wake up to. I watch her eyes open and as soon as she notices what she's looking at her face turns to a deep shade of red.
"Uuuuuuuuuu" I hear coming from Blake
....I think she broke.
"Um Blake? Good morning" I say trying to get her to stop making that noise that sounds like a kettle. Teapot...whatever tf it's called.
"Blake?" I ask a little concerned
As soon as I speak she snaps back into reality laughing herself off the bed
"Ow" she mutters
Weiss shoots up from her bed startled by the loud noise
"Ugh...what was that?" Weiss asked groggily
"N-nothing....Blake just fell off the bed." I reply
" she ok?" She shoots me a worried look
I probably should of checked if she was ok first but my dumb self didn't.
I look over to see if Blake is ok
She looks as if she hit her head since her hand rested on it but she looked fine
"You ok? That was a hard hit!"
"Y-yeah I'm o-ok o was just surprised....b-by your....." she paused "n-nEVERMiND!" She blurted out looking away with her face noticeably red. I was very aware of what she was startled by but I didn't say anything and just shrugged it off.
We all got ourselves ready and headed to class.
Ah... class.. because nothing's better than wasting you childhood and youth on pointless English papers and random history facts that no one cares about.
RUBYS POV's so much bigger inside.
I wave at my dad once more before professor ozpin showed me around school. I hope dad will be ok on his own... after a lot of walking later we finally make it to dorms :D. I know that professor ozpin assigned me to the same dorm as yang since it will be easier to settle in.
I open the door ready to see yang but all I see is ... 2 beds and no one in the room
"Alright miss rose, I'll leave you be" professor ozpin said whilst walking off.
" I step inside the dorm room and feel completely helpless... what do I do.
Maybe I should hide under a bed and scare them when they go to sleep. I guess I could do that.... how come there's only 2 beds, isn't there 3 of them here?
Yang POV
Class has ended. If that class lasted for a second longer I would of died from boredom. Only one thing we need to do.
"There's a new girl coming transferring into beacon sometime this week and is gonna be with us. So we better get 2 new beds" I tell Blake since were in the same 6th period class.
"Ok then... we should go and get some from people who give us stuff." She reply's, I don't think she can find the word she's looking for.
"Uhhh do you mean th-" I get cut off by the ice queen.
"So we gonna get these beds or what?" She says
"Yeah yeah let's go." I say.
We walk up to the lady at the front desk.
"Uhm.. hey! We need 2 beds." I say

"Ok that's fine, but you can only have a maximum of 4 beds in one dorm."

"O-oh yeah.. we only have 2 beds in our dorm and we were short two."

"Alright that's fine, we will have them delivered to your dorm room, what's your dorm number?"

"We are room..uh" I pause trying to think of out dorm room number." Number 207"

"Ok! We will have them to you in the next 1-2 hours"

We leave the conversation at that and walk back to our dorm.
"I wonder who the new girl will be." I say our loud
"Hopefully someone nice" says wises
"So like the opposite of you?" Blake says whilst smirking
"Shut up" wises says playfully and throws a pillow at Blake.
I can't wait any longer I really wanna see yang and her roommates. I slowly creep my way out from underneath the bed in the opposite direction from the others. There was a girl with Black hair and a bow sitting on the bed in front of me.
"BOO!" I yell as loud as I can
"AAAHGHH!!" The girl screamed running to the other side of the room.
Yang gasped "RUBY?!??!??" She exclaimed.
"Yaaanngg" I say back jumping on yang to give her a hug.
"What-when, HOW are you HERE??" She stumbled over her words not knowing what's happening.
"Well my dear sister yang, I skipped two years of classes because I'm so smart heheh" I somewhat brag to yang.
Yangs POV
OH MY!! Ruby is here!!!! I can't process what on earth is happening right now.
"Oh I'm sorry for scaring you." She motions towards Blake.
"O-oh it's fine haha.." she smiled
"Welp.. this has been an eventful day!

Authors note
Sorry this took a long time but I made the extra long this time

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