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Percy's pov

i went into the living room expecting a stubborn (Y/N) and an irritated Nico, i did see that but Nico was carrying (Y/N) bridal style on his lap on the couch

"c'mon, you got us into this and now you have to solve it. just put the alcohol on your cuts yourself." i saw Nico say to (Y/N)

"i can't believe we had to come all the way over here just so Percy could convince me to put alcohol on me." (Y/N) said back

"your fault"

"your fault too. you basically got her to beat me up."

"hey now, i made her stop didn't I?"

i cleared my throat trying to get their attention, and i did. they both turned to my at the same time, then Nico said "thank the gods. finally, here take her and go clean on her wounds."

"what the Hell happened?!" i say, as i look at all of the cuts and bruises on her body.

"don't worry i'm fine. "(Y/N) said

"obviously you're not! get over here" i tell her

she then got off of Nico and said "nooooo, i don't need any help, i'm fine, i'm ok, i'm alive, and i don't need any medical treatment. i've been through worse. trust me."

i grabbed her wrist, a bit tight so she won't pull away, and dragged her to the bathroom where the first aid kit was. 

"ok ok ok! i'm going." She says

"good luck" i heard Nico tell me from the other room.

after a long hour of trying to get (Y/N) to hold still, halfway through i had to ask Nico to hold her in place. it took a while for us to get her to calm down but she eventually did.

Nico had to hold her arms behind her back and i had to sit on her legs.

"damn you guys, i don't need help, i'll be fine." she says.

"well everyone needs help every once in a while" i tell her as i try to clean her cut on her face.

she flinched when i put the small rag on her wound, the rag was covered with alcohol so it was obviously gonna hurt, but i guess it stung like hell to her

"ow ow ow!" she said.

"hold still, i need to put a band aid on you when i'm done, so if you move then it's gonna look weird with the band aid all wrinkled." i tell her "what happened anyway? how did you get so many bruises?" i ask

"well.." Nico started to say "you know i told you on the phone right? well i should've told you details on the way over here. you saw the video though right?"

"yeah i saw it, how did it happen exactly though?" i ask

"there was a crowed and we thought you got into another fight, but Micaela was there telling everybody she was gonna fight me, so she started to.. well tried to, beat me up, she sorta failed since i didn't flinch once while she was going at me. everybody else was just recording and saying i'm not human, which is kinda true but eh" (Y/N) interrupted.

"yup." Nico said.

"damn, if only i could hit girls. stupid idiot. the hell is her problem?" i say

"well she thought (Y/N) was hitting on Troy, even though its the other way around. but she's dumb so there's just something wrong with her." 

when he said that (Y/N) was hitting on him.. i thought of the person who contacted me on facebook..

'but.. Nico says it was the other way around..' i thought to myself.

"hey well at least im ok now" (Y/N) says. "you done yet?"

"yeah" i tell her as i put a band aid on her cheek.

i got off her and Nico let her go then she stood up. she stretched and said "damn you two really want me to be safe, you'll even go over bored by keeping me trapped."

"well yeah, you're our friend" Nico says.

"i know, and i would do the same for you, but you would just agree right away due to my charm speak. nah just kidding i don't use it." 

"kids! i made dinner!" i heard my mom say.

soon, we went put everything away into the med kit and cleaned up. after doing that, we ate dinner together.

-time skip-

Nico's pov

(Y/N) and i were at Percy's door, saying our goodbyes and heading down into the street

"wanna walk home?" she says

"you sure? it's dark now, its kinda dangerous" i say in response.

"we're monster fighters, we'll be ok"

"alright fine."

we started walking down the street, talking about school, drama of what happened, and camp.

soon, we ended up home and went to our rooms for some sleep.

Nico Di Angelo x emo reader x Percy Jackson. School dramaWhere stories live. Discover now