How we met

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third Person

it had been a while since you spard with Nico and Percy. man, time flies by. even when you three met, it had been so long since you first talked. oh, you should know about the cabins and all that

your godling parent was Aphrodite. so almost every camper thought you would be a pinky little perfect princess. but because of all the stuff you wore, which was almost all black and usually you wore band shirts, some people at camp would call you emo for the kind of stuff you were into. Aphrodite, why her? why not Athena? Or even Apollo? sheesh. you weren't like your siblings. Other then Piper. which made you an even more outcast.

just face it, you were a rock chick. but you did have friends. like Percy, Annabeth, and Nico. one day when you were eating with your siblings during lunch, you plugged in your headphones into your phone that Leo keeps making for everyone so no monsters don't get attracted.

you started to listen to (Y/F/B) (your favorite band) until lunch was over. Percy went up to you and he had Nico by his side "hey (Y/N), wanna go spar? Nico said he wanted to fight someone he hasn't fought before." said Percy as he pushes Nico in front of him. Nico put his hand behind his neck and looked away as he got closer to you, feeling uncomfortable.

"uh, no actually Percy wants me to find him someone who can beat me in a spar battle since he needs someone to train with." Nico says as he takes a step back.

"uh, but Percy, don't you have Annabeth to battle with?" you asked

"well yeah, but its always a tie, so i thought if Nico could be defeated by you then i fight you next."

"but she's from the Dite cabin, I doubt she's gonna fight me" nico says as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"nah, i'll fight you." you say. right after you said that, Nico's face turns from anoyed to shocked. you guessed it was because your siblings don't really fight.

"great." said Percy. "she's also Pipes's half sis so she might be good"

as the three of you walked to the sparing hall, you put your phone in your pocket. you grabbed your sword from the back barrel. it was yours, since it had your initials in the side of the blade. the handle was black, with a silver looking blade. even though it looked silver, it was actually bronze, but you guess it was the paint job. as you put on some armor, you exited from the back and saw Percy sitting on the rocky stone seats, and Nico with his sword, it looked like yours. just without the red gem between the handle and blade.

Nico's P.O.V

'darn it Percy, did you really force me to fight a Aphrodite kid? i know we're friends but i don't know her that much. maybe Percy wanted me to know her better. that's probably why he brought me here.'

I waited for (Y/N) to get her armor ready, while she was doing that, i put on my armor too. Percy on the other hand kept throwing his water bottle in the air and trying to catch it. 'dang it, i don't think she's gonna bring herself to hold a sword since most of the Aphrodite cabin think its dirty' i thought to myself. but what i didn't expect is to find (Y/N) walking from the back room in armor and holding a sword. it looked like mine... but that gem.. it looks nice for a sword

as she walked to me, ready to fight, Percy stands between us, putting his hand up for our battle to start. (Y/N) starts to put herself in a battle position, so i do to. i'm actually surprised she knows how to position herself.

then, our battle begins. but i gotta say, she was pretty good. a few minutes pass by and i'm on top of (Y/N) with my sword by her neck. "i.. huff.. win.." i say, i didn't realized i was out of breath until now. but suddenly, my stomach was kicked and i flew back. luckily i had armor or there would have went my lunch.

i fell onto the ground and the sun started to shine in my eyes. but then it was covered by something. the next thing i knew, i had a sword tip right against my neck. i looked by and saw (Y/N) standing, also panting out of exhaustion. i was stunned, i couldn't believe a dite kid beat me in a battle. i looked away frustrated. but then i saw a hand in front of me. (Y/N)'s hand. she offered to help me up. so i took her hand and she pulled me up.

"wow. never thought a dite kid could fight" i said looking at (Y/N).

"yeah well, i'm not like the rest of my siblings." she says in response

"really? well. good game i guess"

Percy butted in by getting between us and gave (Y/N) and I a high five.

"good game all right. not many campers can beat Nico at a spar battle. looks like i'm gonna have to go against you now." he says. he then ran off into the backroom. probably to go get himself ready for his battle.

"so.." i say awkwardly as i put my sword over my shoulder.

"so..?" (Y/N) says nervously.

" sooo.. your not like your siblings?" i ask

"no, not really. i mean i wear makeup, but only eyeliner sometimes. i'm not really girly." she says.

"huh, i haven't seen a camper who isn't like their godlike parent, other then Piper."

"heh.. yeah.. i guess i'm kinda weird."

she laughs a bit at her sentence. but i guess she was just saying that since it was kinda true. 

"alright. (Y/N)! sparing time." Percy says as he runs to us in full battle armor.

a couple a minutes pass by, Percy and (Y/N) started fighting. surprisingly, she's keeping up with him, soon my mind went off into the clouds, before i knew it, Percy and (Y/N) tied. with their swords both at their necks.

"dang it. you're good." Percy says panting.

"you too." (Y/N) trying to catch her breath.

as they put their swords away, they come up to me and sit down, drinking water from their water bottles. the three of us chatted for a bit until it was time for dinner. we parted ways and sat at our tables and ate.

Hey guys sorry if this chapter was crapy, and sorry if this story doesn't make sense sine i kept copy and pasting from one website to another.

also this is my first story writing thingy on wattpad. so i hoped you enjoy. there's more coming

Nico Di Angelo x emo reader x Percy Jackson. School dramaWhere stories live. Discover now