chapter two-meeting the avengers

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this isn't an exciting chapter but the next one will be more eventful i promise.

Thanks for reading enjoy!

P.O.V of Alex

The fire had happened at around 3 o'clock. So once I had been checked over by the paramedics and they had bandaged a few of my cuts I was taken to shield head quarters and shown the room I would be staying in. I was told to wait there until further notice.

I looked around the room there was a nice sized bed with a bedside table next to it. Also there was a TV, a wardrobe, a comfy looking chair and a bathroom that's linked to the room.

I sat on the bed it was really comfortable this room was way better than any thing me and Izzy had she had a small cot to sleep in and I had a blanket, a pillow and a peace of floor to sleep on. But I was just glad my sister had somewhere better to sleep. I miss her so much I wish I decided to use my powers to save her sooner.

At five o'clock there was a knock on the door. “come in” I told them and turned to face the door. I saw it was one of the agents that work here “There's a meeting you need to come to” she told me I nodded and followed her out. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. We walked into the meeting room and I saw the avengers and three other people where already there. Everyone was staring at me I sat down in the only seat available which was next to a girl with black hair and green eyes with blue flecks in.

Everyone was still staring at me and I was starting to feel uncomfortable when Nick Fury walked in and everyone turned to look at him including me. “Hello well you all know why your here. Loki is back and according to Thor he is working more closely with Thanos to make sure he succeeds this time. Your jobs are to train and stop him before he can succeed with his plan. And so far all we know is he has a bigger army than last time and Thanos is in charge this time. We have also had sightings of Loki and some of Thanos all over the place but whenever we get there it too late and he's already gone. Any questions?” he started the meeting off quickly.

The girl next to me put her hand up “How are we going to stop a God?” she asked and I could tell by her voice that she was someone you didn't want to cross.

“Well the avengers did it before I'm sure we'll find a way” he replied glaring at her. I could tell she didn't have much say in coming here.

I put my hand up then asked “Do you have any idea where his base is?”

“Well we think it might be somewhere in Brooklyn” he replied and I nodded.

“Well that's a lot of help. What we gonna do search the whole city?” said the girl sitting next to me. Nick Fury glared at her and I could tell she liked annoying him.

“Any more questions?” He asked No one answered. “Well now that's done you will begin training tomorrow at nine. Spend the rest of today getting to know each other” he then left followed by his assistant.

We sat there in silence for a while waiting for someone to brake the silence. “Well I'm the famous, rich, play boy, philanthropist and handsome Tony stark aka Iron man” Tony said breaking the silence everyone on the avengers team rolled their eyes. He was tall, had short black hair, brown eyes and a light on his chest glowing through his shirt.

“What?” Tony said innocently “I was just introducing my self”.

The woman with shoulder length red wavy hair and brown eyes said “Well I'm Natasha aka Black Widow”.

“I'm Clint aka Hawkeye” said the guy with short brown hair and brown eyes.

“I'm Steve aka Captain America” said the tall muscular guy with short blond hair and blue eyes.

“I'm Bruce aka Hulk” said the man with short greying hair and green eyes.

“I'm Thor god of thunder” said the tall man with huge arm muscles, long blond hair and blue eyes.

Tony looked at us then said “What are your names and what can you do?”

The rest of the team's attention turned to us. “Hi my name is Derrick and I can teleport, I have great aim and I can create things from metal like this” said the guy with short black hair and greenish-blue eyes. He held out his hand and created to round, golf ball size silver balls. “I can make the metal extremely strong or weak” he made one disintegrate. “Try to crush the other one” he said looking at Thor. Thor picked it up and squeezed but nothing happened. He then picked up his hammer and placed the ball on the floor and hit it repeatedly but again nothing happened. He passed it back to Derrick and as soon as it touched his hand it disintegrated. All the avengers looked impressed.

“Hi I'm Lily and I can talk to animals as well shape-shift into any animal or person” said the girl with long dark brown hair and grey-blue eyes. She then changed into Nick Fury then and said in his voice “See” and changed back.

Then the girl next to me spoke saying “I'm Ari. I have 4 powers. 1. Photographic memory which helps me in test at school. 2. I can go into someone's mind and create a mental illusion for them but I don't do that much because I feel their pain and fear. 3. I have telekinesis which means I can move things with my mind. 4.I can charm people by looking into their eyes and telling them what I want them to do. When they're charmed their eyes turn gold and when I'm charming people my eyes turn green. I would charm one you but eye patch told me not to”. Tony laughed at the name she called him and everyone else nodded.

Then everyone turned to look at me it was quite unnerving “Hi I'm Alex. And I um control fire, ice, water, air and earth” I said shyly. Then I created a small ball of fire in one hand then I placed a ball of ice on the table and created a ball of water in the other hand then I made them disappear.

“Well it looks like we have a great team” Tony said. “One question though” he turned towards me “How did you get all those cuts and bruises”.

“Um.... well I uh fell down the stairs” I said not making eye contact.

“Well that explains the bruises but how did you get cuts from falling down the stairs?” he asked me.

Wow he was persistent. “Well.... you see the stairs weren't carpeted and some pieces of wood were sticking out”. He narrowed his eyes at me but thankfully said nothing else.

Then everybody started talking to each other but me.

I just sat there thinking about Izzy until Bruce looked at me and said “Your eyes are turning blue”.

“Oh are they?” I asked.

“Yeah why is that?” he questioned.

“My eyes are like mood rings they change colour depending on how I'm feeling” I explained.

“So is blue sadness?” Tony questioned.

“Yeah. Red is anger, Yellow is excitement or happiness, Green is when I'm ill, purple is scared, Pink is embarrassed, Black is if I'm cold or dead I guess and grey is my normal eye colour ”.

Everyone was now looking into my eyes then Clint asked “Why are you sad?”

I sighed I had been expecting that question “Well my sister died earlier today and I don't know what state my parents are in” I added the last bit in even though I didn't care about them.

“Oh I'm sorry” he said quietly.

“It's OK” I said but everyone kept staring at me. I sighed and and looked at the clock it said it was 7 o'clock and I was tired from getting up at 6 in the morning. I got up and said “I'm going to bed” then left the room feeling everyone's eyes on the back of my head.


P.O.V of Ari

Well Alex sounds interesting I thought as I watched her leave. I wonder what happened earlier today. I looked around the room at the people here maybe it wouldn't be too bad working with them it's got to be better than solitary confinement. There is one reason for me to stay and that's the cute guy called Steve. He has a cute smile big muscles and memorising blue eyes. No must stay strong I can't let my heart get broken like last time. And look at me who would like me no one cares for me that's why I was never adopted.

I sighed and got up “Yeah I'm going to bed too” I said then left. I'll have to try to keep my emotions locked up.

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