A Foreighn Face

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           King Griffen was assasinated no more than a mere six months ago, his killer is still unkown, but while the search drags on, his wife and beloved queen Abby grows sicker by the day. The fate of the kingdom has hense been pinned on their only child, Clark, who must now take the crown. However, she is not to turn eighteen for three more months. Therefore, by law she must marry before recieving such power. As the kingdom of Asgeda draws closer- threatening an attack, the people of Arkadia were desperate for a ruler, so the young maiden has been tied into an arranged marriage with Prince Fin of the southern Isles whome she is soon to marry.

Clark's POV

Im standing in my bedroom as my trusted maid, Lexa, brings me a gown that she beleives will look rather lovely on me. Since we have yet to marry, I insisted that I remain in my own room to uphold my morals. Fin requested to choose my attire, but last time he did so he brought me a brown gown that came just above my knees with dark green vines springing from the trim of my dress, so I permittied Lexa to make that decision once again.

She was a true friend to me, one of the only ones I have. I confide in her, for she's one of the few I've told that I wish not to Marry Fin of the Southern Isles. Don't get me wrong, he's a fine gentleman, but I haven't fallen in love with him, and Im now expected to spend the rest of my life with him. I hardly even know him

Lexa brought me a rose colored over the shoulder dress with golden twists delacately laced into the desighn as well as a golden locket with a photograph of my family inside that glimmered brightly as it reflected the sunlight that shown through a nearby window with the curtians drawn back. I liked it open, since my fathers death, head master deemed it too dangerous to allow me out of the palace so I keep it open to view the small town below.

"The red will accent your golden hair and light skin tone, while the gold laced in with bring attention to the gleaming specs in your green eyes." She said with a smile as she placed it at the foot of my bed. "And the locket?" I asked curiously "A gift from his highness, he assured that I inform you that it was carved from some of the kingdoms finest gold. So....." she trailed off "Meaningless." I finished for her. "Its generic enough to send to any maiden in the land.

I huffed and sat back down. "You've got that right, but you should still wear it to look your best today. Your precense was requested in the dining hall, theres an important meeting today." I began changing mid conversation "Another boring meeting huh?" I said finishing quickly since im used to having to rush off to these events "Well yes, but there will be a visitor today. I heard speach through the door of a deep husky voice. Could be intresting"

A new fellow is differnt I admit, but he's more than likely another formal worker of my betrothed, just as unfathambly unintresting as the rest. I gave my thanks to Lexa as she escorted me to the dining hall "Princess Clark has arrived" The buttler sang out. My eyes insatntly scanned the room for a new face. Fin was seated at the head of the table followed by Head master John, and member of the council, Anne. They were the usuals, but there was something different.

The cheif gaurd, Kane, was seated next to a man who seemed about my age with tan skin and unruly brown hair. I soaked in every detail of him. His choclate brown eyes and a display of freckles that danced along his cheeks like stars in the night sky. I was so distracted, I didn't realize my feet had carried me to the only seat available which was across from him.

"Ah, darling so nice of you to occampany us, we were just discussing the next step to asssure your safety. The head master concluded that in my absense, there should always bee a nearby gaurd whos sworn to protect you till his dying breathe. The council agreed and Anne here will be collecting paperwork from the youmg gentleman we deem fit to assist you.

The fellow met my eyes and thats when everything clicked into place. My thoughts were interrupeted by the speech of Kane. "Your grace, I present to you Bellamy Blake. This young man is new, but I assure you he's quickly risen to be one of the best in our line of work and my personal second." So thats what this is all about, they see me unfit to handle myself. I wont stand for it, even if that means saying goodbye to this now aqauinted starnger.

"While I don't doubt Mr. Blake's capabilatys, you all seem to doubt mine. My father has trained me well and I do believe I can manage." I looked over to see an angry looking Fin. His jaw set and shoulders tense. "Well my dear you've always been.....head strong but this is non-negotiable. Its a man's sworn duty to protect his wife." He had a bit of a temper but he usually kept it tame for me, so I didn't expect what was coming next. "By getting someone else to do it for you?" I challenged.

"Hasn't anyone taught you to obey your husband? You'd do well just to silence yourself and not go against the word of this board. Understod?" With a reluctant huff I nodded and it was comfirmed. I am now to spend ever waking moment with another foreighn man.

"You may now take your leave, the rest of this meeting shall continue on without so much as a comment from yur lips. The maids have prepared a meal for you and have been instructed to bring it to your fathers study since you seem to be spending much of your precious time there" Fin stated in a softer tone.

And with that, I took my leave

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