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We made our way to Lassiters hand in hand. It felt right, like I was finally where I was supposed to be. For months I had been fighting my feelings for her, now that they were out in the open I felt free, sure I knew there would be a shitstorm coming when I talked to Mark but I knew that Chloe would be with me through it all and that made everything easier. I was no longer afraid of my feelings and was at peace with the knowledge that I was in love with her.

We managed to get to Lassiters largely unnoticed, a miracle really considering I was still in my bridal gown and Chloe in her bridesmaids dress. Chloe already had the key due to her dropping some stuff around earlier that morning. As we got to the door, Chloe fumbled with the lock on the door, it was cute how nervous she was being I couldn't help but smile adoringly at her. After her third failed attempt to unlock the door and getting decidedly agitated with herself, I chuckled and took the key from her opening the door in one swift motion. She blushed, mumbling to herself something along the lines of I can't even open a door in front of her and stop shaking you idiot. I laughed it was sweet how I made her nervous but truth be told she made me nervous too, I was just better at hiding it.

As we entered the room and closed the door, you could cut the tension with a knife. Although we have been together alone on numerous occasions the atmosphere felt charged and neither of us knew what to say or do.

"Urmm maybe I should change out of this dress, what do you think? Did you bring any spare clothes with you that I could borrow?"I nervously blurted out.

"Urmm yes of course.....just give me a second" I hear rummaging and then she appeared in a flash with some jogging pants and a old t shirt. "Will these do" she brightly smiled.
"Of  course that's brilliant thank you.....I just got to get this dress off would you mind helping it fastens from the back". I turn around signalling for her to help me. I hear light footsteps and then all at once I feel her behind me. My body shudders at her closeness and i close my eyes enjoying the sensation of her gently moving my hair to the side, her fingers gliding softly over my neck and then slowly undoing the buttons of my dress. Once they are all undone my dress shifts lower revealing my upper back. I feel her fingers gently caress the skin on my back causing goose pimples to arise wherever she touched. My breathing picks up, I can feel her close to me my body responding to her touch like it never has before. I feel her breath on the back of my neck and then I feel it a gentle kiss on my collarbone and then another and another. I close my eyes enjoying the sensation. Her hands find there way down to my hips as she firmly presses her body against mine and we mould into each other. I let my head fall back against her shoulder giving her more access to my neck, so I could feel more of her, and i couldn't deny it, I wanted more of her, I wanted all of her.

I'm completely lost in the sensation of Us finally coming together after months of build up, my heart is only beating for her right now, nothing else matters. I turn in her arms and look deep into her eyes, theres so many emotions there, happiness, love, longing and desire all directed at me. My eyes must mirror hers because she blushes and looks down unable to hold my gaze, so I lean down and capture her lips in a passionate kiss, her hand instantly moves upwards into my hair as she pulls me impossibly closer to her.

The kiss is full of desire and want as she gently runs the tip of her tongue along my upper lip begging for entrance which I happily oblige because I'm dying to be closer to her, desperate to feel more of her. Our tongues meet and it's a sensation I've never felt before not with anyone. I crave more of her, desire every inch of her, and I moan out her name softly as I grab the sides of her face to kiss her more passionately, in the process my dress falls to the ground in a heap at my feet distracting both of us and we pull apart. Chloe's eyes are wide very obviously checking me out in my white lacy underwear, I clear my throat " like what you see Miss Brennan" she nods seemingly unable to speak for a moment. "Wow your so beautiful Elly so very beautiful". I blush under the heated look that she gives me. She meets my eyes and smiles "so beautiful" and I know she means it, I feel it with every inch of my being and in that moment I know, she is who I'm meant to be with, there is no doubt in my mind, no questions unanswered just her.

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