Secret surprises

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Elly entered her car still flustered from Piper's comments. Chloe couldn't help but giggle at the rosey tint that dusted Elly's cheeks, thinking it was adorable how embarrassed she got. Chloe leaned over and kissed Elly's cheek, smiling adoringly at her, causing Elly to blush even more and duck her head in embarrassment. Elly cleared her throat trying to compose herself and took a deep breathe. She couldn't believe that the neighbours had been making bets about her and Chloe, she really had been oblivious to how obvious her feelings were for the youngest Brennan wasn't she? She rolled her eyes internally at herself.

"So what were you and Piper talking about?" Elly enquired.

Chloe shifted slightly in her seat, looking anywhere but Elly's eyes , "Oh nothing....she was just asking if we were ok is all".

Elly rose her eyebrow at Chloe, she knew Chloe was lying, she had memorised everything about her, but she just didn't know why and jealousy rose inside her once more remembering the cosy scene she had witnessed.

"Seems like more than that! Seemed like you were having a nice cosy chat before I arrived" Elly muttered gripping the steering wheel harder causing her knuckles to go white. This drew Chloe's attention immediately. She noticed Elly's stiff posture and white knuckles and grinned.

"Are you jealous of Piper, Elly?" Chloe teased. Knowing full well she was.

"NO" came Elly's quick but loud reply as she turned away from Chloe with her arms crossed and Chloe chuckled at her response.

"Elly there's no need to be jealous I'm yours and yours only, Piper is just a friend we were just chatting......although if your up for a threesome I could always ask" Chloe winked causing Elly to huff in annoyance. She knew Chloe was teasing her, but she couldn't help but feel extremely jealous at the suggestion.

"I'm joking Elly, your the only girl for me, I promise". At that Elly released her vice like grip on the steering wheel realising that they had reached there destination. Elly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"I just don't want to share you that's all" Elly quietly replied.

"You don't have to share me Elly I'm all yours, I promise......Piper and I are just friends......come on let's go back to our room".

With that both girls exited the car, grabbed their bags and made there way to their room. On the way there Chloe started to act nervous, and Elly didn't know why.

"Oh shoot, I left something in the car, I'll just go back and get it, here's the key you go right ahead, it'll just take a second". Elly opened her mouth to protest but Chloe had already disappeared. She shrugged her shoulders and proceeded to the room opening the door and immediately putting their bags inside.

Once she looked up she froze, completely dumbfounded by the scene in front of her. The room was covered in Roses and Rose petals covered the floor and the bed. Elly's breathe was completely taken away. She heard the door open behind her and saw Chloe walking towards her with a single red rose in hand. Elly inwardly swooned. How did she get so lucky?

"I wanted to surprise you, that's what Piper and I were talking about Elly, she set this up for me, there's also dinner for two on the balcony for us, I thought you might be hungry". Chloe smirked.

Elly was speechless, no one had ever done anything like this for her. Mark's idea of romantic had been a night in watching Dr Who, something Elly never really cared for.

Elly moved towards Chloe unable to form words to express how she felt. She grabbed Chloe and kissed her furiously and passionately to show her how much she appreciated everything she had done for her.

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