Mommy, Dearest

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Mark and Elly sat in silence waiting for Chloe to return from her room , both lost in their own thoughts about everything that had happened that day. That silence however, was broken by an argument that seemed to be going on outside. Hushed voices and aggregated whispers could be clearly heard, breaking the eerie quiet that had engulfed the Brennan house before.

Chloe appeared from her room carrying a large suitcase with a confused look on her face, just as the door burst open revealing Liz, Elly's mother closely followed by both Bea and Aaron.

"Sorry we couldn't stop her" Bea rolled her eyes at Elly. "She insisted on seeing you and having her say". Elly internally rolled her eyes before stating "Of course she did". Elly sighed " well what do you want to say mother".

Liz appeared to be furious scanning the area for the person she wanted and narrowing her eyes at Chloe.

" YOU" she shouted,jabbing her pointer finger into Chloe's shoulder causing Chloe to recoil in shock.

"I warned you Chloe, I warned you to stay away from my Elly, now look what you've done, she's ruined her future with Mark, for YOU, a person without a dare you! You are a selfish little girl, I don't know why Elly would ever really want to be with you".

Elly was horrified as she watched Chloe visibly deflate at every word, Liz shouted at her. Tears visibly rolled down her cheeks, causing Elly to run over to Chloe and hug her tightly. Chloe buried herself in Elly's shoulder and sobbed loudly. It was a heartbreaking sight for everyone in the room to experience.

"Mom how dare you" Elly seethed at Liz. "

"You have no right....I made my choice, and it's my choice not yours and you are going to have to deal with it. I love her". Elly shouted, turning Chloe away from her mother in a protective stance trying to soothe her as she cried.

"But she has no future Elly, she can't give you the future you want, she can't give you kids, you can't grow old with her....why would you do this".

Elly opened her mouth to launch a scathing attack on her mother, but was surprised when she was interrupted by a fuming Mark.

"Liz get out of my are aware my sister has a incurable illness.....the very fact that she has found the love of her life in Elly is a miracle......yes I'm angry and yes I am upset but even I can see how in love they are and eventually I will get over this......but you, you wretched woman, have no right to make either of them feel bad because they fell in love, nobody does, not even me, so will you kindly remove yourself from this house before I make you go".

With one last look at Elly and Chloe, Liz scowled and turned on her heal and left. Muttering as she went.

The room was silent apart from the sobs coming from Chloe and Elly trying to soothe her. Elly tried to comfort her, running her hands through Chloe's golden locks but was having very little success, much to her distress.

"She's right Elly, I can't give you everything Mark can, I don't have a future".

"Hey Chloe that's not true, you have me and we do have a future.....yes it might be difficult later on, but I love you and we will go through it together.....ssssshhh it's ok".

Mark, Bea and Aaron we left stunned at the scene before them, Liz's vicious words had really struck a cord within Chloe and she was beside herself as a result. Mark felt hurt and a bit humiliated at being jilted at the alter, but now he knew, everything was so obvious to him. He would not stand in their way, in fact part of him was pleased that his little sister had found true love after the difficulties of the past year, and that someone was as awesome as Elly was, he knew his sister was in safe hands.

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