C H A P T E R 7

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     I am literally the worst person ever when it comes to keeping my writing and publishing chapters scheduled and ready to go. I am so, so sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long. On a side note though... 5.3K reads?! Sksksksss you guys are so amazing that I literally can't put it into words!

One more thing- this chapter contains ridiculous amounts of angst. Please, do not be offended by anything brought up in this chapter, as it is not what I am trying to convey. And yes, things will get better after this. I just need some hardcore angst to motivate my lazy ass to spit out more chapters and words. Anyway, I really do hope you enjoy. I worked really hard on this particular part, making sure everything was perfect- although I'm not really that pleased with the outcome. Probably could've done better on this one, so don't get your hopes up too high. Putting that aside, I really hope you enjoy!


W O R D S : 2270


     "Hey, Kacchan."

     "Hmm?" Katsuki hummed, removing his gaze from his phone. His legs were entwined with Izuku's, who remained on the couch beside the alpha. He was curled up in a fleece blanket that reeked of Katsuki, whose scent had completely embedded itself upon the tired greenette.

     "We should talk. About last night."

     "C'mere first. Don't wanna move my ass."

     "Well, you should. And we probably need to get up anyway, it's nearly one."

     "...and? It's the fuckin' weekend. Saturday. S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y, Deku." Hence the pouting from the omega. "No, no, no. You have no right to make that fucking sappy shit expression with your lips. And face. S'not fair-" Katsuki wailed, pulling Izuku into his chest as he threw himself back onto the couch.

     "Kacchan- stop moping, we've got the whole day to ourselves. Just get up already, argh!" With small, yet well defined arms, Izuku gripped Katsuki's tanned limbs, trying to remove himself from the suffocating embrace of the blonde alpha.

     "Stop, I'm comfy. And you're warm. This couch is cold as shit when you're the one without a blanket from a smokin' hot babe."

     "Shut up. Enough with the BS, we need to get up and talk."

     "Fine." Katsuki groaned in response, sitting up too fast for his own good. Little stars painted his vision, spinning slightly as he went crosseyed for a mere second or two. "What the fuck?"

     "I'm going upstairs, whether you like it or not. So hurry up and come with me, or stay on the couch alone. It's really up to you."

     There wasn't a word exchanged between the two as Izuku walked up and out of the blonde's arms, blanket hugging each and every one of his subtle, womanly curves while he walked off.

     Katsuki definitely knew where he was going.


Izuku's dorm was just as they had left it an hour before, messy and unorganized. Katsuki had ended up spooning Izuku sometime around midnight, and the omega got up maybe once to use the bathroom and cry.

Sometimes, feelings felt like the weights that would ultimately drag you to your own, painful death. Tears were as heavy as a million metal rods dragging behind you, spears cascading out of your back in the form of love.

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