Stupid glasses.

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It had been about a 30 minute drive before we met up with bumblebee; we met up in an alleyway so other humans can't see us. We all transformed and I hugged bee. "Bee! How are you? How the new voice box going?"

"It's- amazing!- I've- brought- Sam- and- his- girl- Mikaela." Said, Yes said, bee, Ratchet set him a new voice box before he left so he could talk through the radio.

"Girl ay?" I said turning to the two humans in the middle of us. Optimus bent down to there level and spoke.

"Are you Samual James Wickwadi, descendent of Archibald Wickwadi?" Optimus asked. There was a moment of silence.

"... yeah..." he said probably in shock.

"My name is Optimus Prime. We are atonimus organisms from the planet Cybertron." He said. I mimed the words behind Optimus to myself as I know the lines so well.

"But you can call us Autobots for short." Said Ratchet.

"Autobots" repented Sam.

"What's craving little bitches?" Asked jazz.

"My first lutenent, destination: jazz." Said Optimus.

"This looks like I cool place to kink'in" said jazz again spinning onto an old car.

"What is- how did you learn to talk like that?" Sam was asking about jazzes accent.

"We've learned earths languages through the World Wide Web." Answered Optimus. "My weapons specialist, ironhide."

"You feeling lucky, punk?" Said ironhide intimidatingly.

"Easy ironhide."

"Just kid'in! I just wanted to show him my cannons." Reassured ironhide.

"Our medical officer, Ratchet." Ratchet started sniffing for some reason.

"The boys pheromone levels suggests he wants to mate with the female" I silently burst out with laughter and covered my face in my hands. Sam and Mikaela suddenly felt VERY awkward. Who would blame them?

"You already know your guardian, bumblebee." No offence to Sam, but I HATED the fact that bee was no longer Rafs guardian. I just gives me a horrible feeling.

Bee started dancing when he heard his name "woop woop" I said as bee danced.

"Bumblebee... your my guardian huh?" Bee nodded at Sams question.

"His vocal prosesers were damaged in battle. I'm still working on him." Said Ratchet. Everyone looked at me. I suddenly felt nervous again. Optimus gave me a reassuring 'go on, it's alright' smile. I waved sheepishly.

"Hi... I Uh... I'm y/n." I said.

"How come you've got a human name?" Asked Mikaela. I thing she likes me, thank god. I don't want anymore girl trouble.

"Y/n was once human, like yourselves." Said Optimus.

"I still am, really." I said then transformed into my human mode.

"No way!" Said jazz.

"I'll explain later" I said to ironhide and jazz.

"Why are you here?" Asked Mikaela.

"We are here to look for the Allspark, and we must find it before megatron."

"Mega-What?" Asked Sam. Optimus made his eyes go all lazer... I dunno, and explained how we're literally on a race against megatron to find this Allspark cube thing and why Sam and his glasses has anything to do with it. "How do you know about his glasses?"

Passion (Optimus Prime x reader) ¡REWRITING!Where stories live. Discover now