Free plaestine (my p.ov) inspred by emahannan0810001

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Assalmualykum ,

Hey guys well iv read ema story her latest chapter she wanted us to do our own p.o.v of what we think is going on in Gaza well im doing one .

This will be dedicated to Emma obviously she is my big inspiration cuz she is so strong in believing in her own opinions .Even though shes sometimes upset about the comments she receives he gets down but she bees happy again that's why shes my inspiration ..You should read her story ....

I'm having ice cream while im typing this loll

well hers my point of view im just typimg it from the top of my head im not prepared 


In Gaza i believe this is not war it just simple oppression to the Palestinian because if this was war don't u think both sides will be fighting .well if Ur thinking both sides are because hamas is firing those things it isn't hamas is just doing that just to protect his country .

Plaestine was owned by muslims first and they were kind enough to share it with the jewish ionist but look at wat they doing now .Thyve ben in war for like 60 yrs and more .How long can they take this.!

Well hers the story of how they gave some land to the jews my teacher told me so i dont know if im right 

In the ww2 jews wanted thier own land because like english people have england pakistanis have pakistan indians have india ....etc.. etc 

so the jews went to Palestine and they told the muslims look we want our own land can we share with you the muslims agreed and allowed them to stay !

Mybe they went cuz the masjid aqsa is there which is sacared to everyone .

Well now look now theres oppression its not war if it was war it will be fair on both sides .The israiels have al the money all the bombs and all the weapons what do te Plaestines have ,they have nothing but Allah .

We should be grateful for the country were liveing in atleast theres no bombs or injustice and opression even though us muslims are targeted for everything we do bad.But we live in a country that supports the israil soldiers should we be proud of that ?No we shouldnt .

Look at the palestinians even the children are so strong in thier beliefs and then look at us we have everything that we need even tings we dont need we shoul be grateful for that and even though we have evrything still our imaans are week and low.

The israils arent jews they just one type of jew which are the ionist so we cant stereotype the jews and say they all like that .Cuz some jews are amzing .I was watching this vidio where a jewish man was in the protest with palesttine and then someone called him a trash bag he isnt just cuz he is standing for palestine,he said the zionists are a disgrace but not all jews are  . Maybe all zionist aint either but its just a few .

ANAyways back to palestine.

There are mothers getting opressed raped and may more things mother who are about to give birth are getting killed how sad is that imagine we were one of tese kids what will we do ,i know what your thinking im gonna go smash there heads , lol i would do that too but im sorry u cant the israiels have the whole of britain and america and many other countrys behind them so they probably 100xs stronger than you are .

mothers are still digging graves fathers are looking for shelters to provide for there children brothers are trying to protect there sisters and sisters are trying to look after there family .Many are becoming orphans day by day and we all know that .

well there int war just in Palestine we cant forget Syria in our duas too .There war have been going on for 4 yrs now people claim they muslims but they not why would they call al bashar there god then !So called muslims right !

Nearly all of palestinian lands are gone .Yes i know they sighned a truce but how long do you think its gonna last.All we can do for palestine is pray for them and keep them in our humble duas 

rememeber if we have cried tears for paestine they can choose us to go jannah with them .


WELL .....

tHATS MY P.OV EVN THOUGH ITs notlike such a p.ov thing sorry if i went into too much detail i just cant help it and sorry to those people i offended i am truly sorry .WEll i hope you under stand whats going on in palestine .

if yo want a part two just comment below plllsss comment im getting so less.

well i hope you do ur own p.o.v for ema shes the one who inspired me ,,yess i know i said that like a gerzillion times but still.

Im sorry if this is not a chapter of a poem like u wanted to be and this is an early update cuz i just upaded yester day 

well i hoped you liked this chapter and learnt something from it .


KEEP smiling 




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