A story

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I had to keep running. They were after me and mama. Mama was lagging behind and I felt the urge to turn back and help her run, but that was impossible. They were already approaching us and they were quick. Any time soon, I’d probably be scattered on the floor, lifeless. Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I concentrated on the road ahead of me. It was then that I heard someone scream. A scream so familiar. It was mama’s scream. She was screaming my name. There was a gunshot as mama’s voice faded away. No. This couldn’t be it. I couldn’t become an orphan already. I’m only 9. Mama’s voice rang loudly in my ears. It gave me no comfort now knowing that she was gone forever. Everything felt as though it was the end of the world. The gunshots, the screaming all around me, with no place to hide. Blinking back the tears that threatened to spill, I sprinted towards my ruined home. I locked the broken door, although I knew it wouldn’t hold them off for even a few seconds. Their footsteps were coming closer and closer until they are just outside the door. I dived behind a large pile of rocks as the door flew open. I squeezed my eyes shut wondering what will happen when I opened them. I wasn’t looking forward to finding out. I can hear the voices of the Israeli men, but not actually catching what they were saying. One part I did get was probably the worst thing for me to hear. “The girl’s mother was the easiest kill. Now she deserves to die. She would probably be even easier.” I could hear the shuffling of the footsteps as they tried to avoid the sharpest rocks. I didn’t know what to do. There was nothing for me to do. My life might end here. I didn’t want to die now. I have my whole life ahead of me. Opening my eyes, I scanned my dusty surroundings. My home. No matter how ruined it was, it would always be my home. The place I grew up in, which I now had to leave forever. I crawled towards a tiny hole through the rocks. Through it I could see a small shaft of light. It was not at all welcoming. Careful not to make a sound, I edged through the hole. It was a good thing that I was short for my age, so I slipped through quiet easily. I stood up and bolted to, well, to anywhere really. I had very few friends now, since most of them had returned to Allah. Luckily for me, I bumped into one of them, who I knew was also an orphan. Her face was wet and her eyes blood shot. I knew straight away she had been crying. As she tried to catch her breath, I noticed an enormous scar on her weak hand. “Did they get you? What happened? What did they do to you?” I cried clutching her hand. “They grabbed me and ...” she began before letting out a little sob. “Zaara, tell me.” I whispered softly. She was few years younger than me and so now I knew my job was to look after the little girl. “Zaara, tell me, please.”I whispered again. “Inayah, they told me to tell them where everyone was. They started smacking me and one of them swiped a sharp rock on my hand, that’s how I got the scar.” She held up her hand, showing me the blood dripping from it. “Zaara...how could they?”I breathed. My voice was hoarse. “They let me go, Inayah, so I could find out. They said they would kill me if I didn’t tell them. But what am I meant to do? I don’t want all of you to die, but I don’t want to die myself either.” I could see the tears in her eyes. “They said I had to return to them by next morning and if I didn’t they would come after me. They said they would make me die painfully with guns and that if I didn’t find out they would hunt everyone down themselves and hurt them in front of my eyes to show that this was my fault before they kill me.” She stopped for a moment to catch her breath. She was fully crying now. The least I could do was put my arm around her and say “Zaara, I’ll always be there for you. Don’t worry. If they kill you, they’ll kill us instead.”

AN:                                                                                                                                                                              Sorry guys i couldnt upload for  really long time cuz im so busy ..om still busy cu i have tsets near but my little sister typed this up for me agian lol 

wel hope u enjoyed 

thanx for reading xox


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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