Vaizel fighting festival part two

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Meliodas POV: As soon as the voice said "begin" everyone started trying to knock the other opponents out of the rink. The only people I recognized was Ban, King, and Cain. The only one that caught my eye that I didn't know was that one girl earlier. She somehow looked familiar like you saw her before. You almost got knocked out of the rink by being lost in thought. But you quickly get focused again. You see Ban go over to some random dude that had the same shirt as Ban had. Then you see Ban switch his apron with the dude's shirt. You just sigh out of disappointment but that's just how Ban is. The guy is upset but Ban does not care and Ban just throws him out of the rink. After about 10 minutes there were just only 8 people at the rink. It was you, Ban, King, that girl, and 4 other people. "Alright, it looks like we have 8 people in the rink. So if you'll kindly go over to that building we can get the selection for the fights going. This will only take 10 minutes so sit tight and we'll be out shortly with the matches!" The person hosting this yells at the crowd and the people on the rink. You see that Hawk is selling booze. You and the other step into the building that the host said to go into. The host is already in the building and says "Alright all of you guys will pick a stick and at the end of it will be a number. And the two people that chose the same number stick will fight." You go up to grab a stick and then sit down. "And a reminder the use of weapons is strictly forbidden. You can only use Your fist and magic in the fight festival." The squeaky voice says to all of you. You take off your thing that holds your sword and the sword itself and you put the stuff on the ground. You look around the room it seems like everyone is in a conversation but the girl that you meet earlier. It seems like people just kinda forgot about her. You were about to go talk to her but the host started to talk. "Everyone listen up. The first pair will be between Griamore and Y/N!!" The girl goes up to Griamore to give him a smile and a handshake. So that girl must be Y/N then. The name Y/N jogs your memory a bit. That name sounds so familiar but it can't be right... Your memory from what happened ten years ago is still blurry and some of the events that were before that. You just can't put a finger on it. Of who she is. The squeaky voice continues "The second pair is Howzer and Taizoo. And the third pair is Old fart and Cain." Kings face white and he says "Wait Ban did you use our real names?" Ban responds with "Of course not I'm not that stupid." King looks relieved and then says to Ban "Who is Old fart?" King starts chuckling. "Well, it's You King or should I call you Old fart." Kings face turns shocked and she starts yelling at Ban. You look at the host as he begins to say "And last but not the least is Baan and Meliodafu!!!" He shouts at all of you. You and Ban look at each other in shock but then Ban starts to smirk and you start to smile. All of the participants start to head out the door and into the crowd. "Our first pair is Griamore vs Y/N." The host says to the crowd. Griamore hops on the rink and so does Y/N. "Griamore at seven feet, 200 pounds. And Y/N at (Your height and your weight). Let's get going in 3... 2... 1. START!!!" The voice squeaks into a microphone.

Y/N POV: As soon as the host said "Start" You run at Griamore with full speed and land a few punches on him. But he says "I'm sorry but that won't work." You look at were you punched him there is a piece of hard material. "I have to protect Veronica and find Elizabeth. And so this is my magic ability Wall." Griamore says to you. The material quickly covers his whole body. You keep punching it but it won't work. The material is expanding out and is beginning to push you backward. You keep punching it but it's no use. You're almost at the edge when you get an idea. If it's pushing you back then you need to get on top of it. You use a lot of strength to push yourself up and onto the ball but you did it. The ball has a smooth surface so you almost slip off but somehow catch yourself and you don't fall. You use some of your strength to continually punch the material blow after blow. The crowd and Griamore were still shocked by it that Griamore lost some of his focused. And that meant his "Wall" was weaker now. You finally break it and fall down on Griamore. As you fall you shift all of your weight into your legs. You fall feet first onto his shoulders hurting him a bit. Then as he's going for a punch you duck it and hit him as hard as you can in the stomach. Making him flinging him out of the ring. Everyone is in shock, but Meliodas looks more lost in thought. You wonder what's he's thinking about. The host comes up to you and yells into his microphone "And the winner for the first round is... Y/N!!!" The crowd is clapping and whistling. But Meliodas is still lost in thought. You start to worry about if he had figured it out. That you are (Your animal) the sin of (your sin). But it's been more than 10 years and you never really talked with the others. So he can't remember you right...

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