A Vary Special Birthday Gift

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Meliodas POV: You fully turn around to look at Y/N. You slowly pat her back and chuckle. "Don't... leave me..." You hear Y/N mumble through tears. "Why are you crying Y/N?" She lifts up her head and turns around. As she does this you get a glance at her face. Her face is now pink from blushing but you don't know why. A moment of silence goes by before being broken by Y/N. "Ahem well, we should get going now." You nod and continue walking slightly behind her.

Y/N POV: "Heyyy captain who's this little girl?" You hear a voice behind you say. You quickly spin around to see who it is. It's Ban and King. "Well, this is Y/N the-" You give Meliodas the death stare. He nods understanding what you mean. You nod back to him and look at the other two. "I'm sorry to be a bothersome but when those knights came I got lost in the swarm of people and got stuck in some pieces of wood. And I had no idea where I was since I just came here on a long journey for the fighting festival hoping to win. Then this kind of person helped me." You explain to all of them. What you said was just some bs that you came up with on the spot. But with then came some truth, like when you said you were traveling to Vaizel to just see the fighting festival. But that was about all the truth from that. "Well I got done with Gulia and Jericho and King got done with clearing out all the people. So we should probably get going before more holy knights get here." Ban says looking to Meliodas. Meliodas nods to him. As you begin to walk away you hear Meliodas say to you "Hey Y/N since you said that it took you a long time to get here and you are covered in wounds you should stay with us in the Boar Hat." You freeze not knowing what to say. "Umm... Ok sure?" You reply back to him. You realize that this is the best option that you have. The others are not as good as you could just stay in Vaizel but it is in ruins. That's one of the other options that you could think of. "Hey, guys Y/N is going to joining us for tonight," Meliodas calls out to the others. Meliodas and the others begin to walk towards the Boar Hat. Whatever that means. You linger in the back walking slowly. Then all of a sudden you hear a loud stomping sound. You scream a little a duck. After a second you see a big green pig approach you all. "MOMA!!!" You hear someone scream. You see a fat pink pig running to the big one. "Um excuse me what the fuck..." You say under your breath.

Meliodas POV: You see Y/N in complete and utter shock. "Hey Hawk you know it's not fun traveling with a sad little piggy. Maybe we will marinate you in your tears." You shout at him. You chuckle as he skids to a halt and runs at you. "Well let's see who's calling a sad little piggy now!" He heads bums you in the stomach and you fall to the ground laughing. Y/N walks over to you and puts her hand in front of you. You gladly take it and stand up dusting off the dirt on your pants. "Why didn't you tell me about this!" Y/N says to you. "Well, I guess it just slipped my mind. That's all." You calmly say back to her. "How did this just slipped your mind?!" She playfully shouts at you beginning to break her "Mad" act. Then you and her start to laugh. You and the others start to climb up the latter and walk into the Boar Hat. You go upstairs to check up on Elizabeth and make sure she's fine. "Oh Lord Meliodas are you hurt?" Elizabeth runs over to you checking your body noticing your pants are ripped and you have some cuts on your body. "Hehe I'm fine but you can keep on touching my body~" She starts to blush and get flustered. "Um... well I'm glad your ok Lord Meliodas." She finally gets out after stumbling on her words. "Well, I'm going to go upstairs and change I'll be right back." She nods and sits down at one of the tables.

Y/N POV: You see Meliodas and another girl talking. You didn't pay attention to what they're talking about but you guess that girl is working here by just looking at her outfit. You sit down on a barstool at the counter. You look at your clothes and sigh. There are all ripped up and torn. You need to get new clothes for a lot of reasons but one in particular. It's ripped on your right back shoulder exposing your sin symbol. You walk up to the young lady and ask if she had a pair of extra clothes. She nods and says "Well the only pair of other clothing is the Boar Hat uniform." You nod since you can take any other close you can get. The girl said that she was going to get you a pair of clothes about the same time that Meliodas came back. You wave your hand at him as he walks over to you. You guys chat for about a minute before the girl comes back with the clothes. She hands them to you as she talks to Meliodas. "Lord Meliodas is it ok that I gave some of my spare work uniforms to her?" "Yeah, it is why wouldn't be? I mean it probably won't be the same size since I got the exact measurements." He says groping her boobs. You shake your head and try to find a bathroom. You walk by all the rooms until you find the bathroom. You quickly get change and throw away your old clothes. Then you walk down the stairs into the bar. "Hey Y/N do you want a drink?" Meliodas says to you getting one for himself. "Nah I'm good, and besides I'm only 18. And speaking about age today is my birthday." You reply taking the same set as you had a minute ago. "Oh, why didn't you tell me it's your birthday today?" He asks confused turning around to look at you. You just shrugged and look at him.

Meliodas POV: You turn around to look at her and see her in the uniform. It practically fits perfectly on her. "Hey Y/N you know that if you're wearing that you work here now?" You jokingly say to her. "Welp if I'm now working here how much do I get paid." She smiles as she says that. You both start to crack up like children after a funny joke. "Wait here Y/N I'm going to get something for you." You say after you both start to calm down. You can already tell she has a confused face on even tho you didn't look over at her. You go into your bedroom and lift open one of your mattress. A beautiful silver little jewelry box appears under your bed. To be honest you forgot about it until you saw Y/N. You quickly grab it from under your bed and walk over to Y/N.

Y/N POV: You look over to Meliodas who is holding a silver jewelry box. You tilt your head in confusion at why he has a silver box. "Here's your birthday present Y/N." He holds out the box for you to take it. You hesitantly take the box and shake it. You can hear a soft jingly sound. You can tell the box is probably padded. "Is there going to be a snake pop out of it or something?" Meliodas chuckles and says "I don't know you have to open it to find out." You roll your eyes and grin. You place the box on the table and open it. There laying inside is your sacred treasure "MoonLight" !!!"

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