A Vivid Dream

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Y/N POV: You wanted to jump up from your set and hug Meliodas. But instead, you looked him straight in the eye smiled and said: "Thank you Meliodas this is the best birthday gift ever." He just gave you a smile and a pat on the back. You started tearing up clutching your sacred treasure in your hands. To be honest you started to think that he had forgotten about Moonlight. When he had remembered you back at the fighting festival he said nothing about Moonlight. You shakily put them back in the silver box. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Meliodas looking at you confused.

Meliodas POV: "Huh?" You tilt your head as you watch Y/N. "Y/N whatcha doing. I thought you were going to put them on?" You ask her as she closed the silver box. "Like before I don't want the others to know about me, the 8th seven deadly sin." She said taping her fingers lightly on the box. "Well about that Y/N why don't you want them to know?" You ask more stern then you meant it to come out. You can see Y/N jump a little bit out of surprise from your tone. But kinda answers "If you really want to know then I'll tell you when everyone is sleeping." She mutters out before you can apologize.

Y/N POV: You smile at him telling him everything between them is ok. Meliodas goes over to Elizabeth and start to talk. You tune everyone out and close your eyes. You felt happy to see Meliodas again. When he talked you found yourself latching on to every word he spoke. Soon you feel yourself being pulled back to your memories. You found yourself on the ground crying. The memories you were seeing was in third person. You tried to reach out to your young self but your arms just faded through. The place you were in was blurry but soon it was as crisp as real life. The place your were in was the place you committed you sin. You tense up as you saw holy knight walk up to you. Your younger self was soon put in shackles and put in a chariot. As they put your younger self into the chariot you then saw him. You saw the blonde haired emerald green eyes boy you had known for years. The man that had saved you from being executed and had made you a apprentice. Your mind had twisted around what you did to get your sin. Your mind had made false memories to try to get over it. When you look back on it whenever someone told you the truth about it, it just sounded like a incoherent jumble of letters. You get awoken by a sudden rumbling of the Boar Hat. You snap your body up from the table to see what happened. "What the hell!!" You say to yourself looking around. You feel yourself lowering down. Then you know what's happening when you look out the window of the Boar Hat. The green giant pig was making a big hole in the ground to fit in it. Meliodas is already heading out to the door and so are the others. You get up from the stool and follow the others to. You see a big giant and immediately recognized her.  It's Diane!!! A smile appears on your face it's  good to see another sin. "Heyyy capital!!! Did you get my sacred treasure Gideon!!!" Diane practically suffocates Meliodas in between her boobs. You sigh but smile at the same time. This is good old Diane alright, the same as ever. "Hey captain who's that girl over there?" You look up to see Diane pointing her index finger at you. "Captain are you cheating on me again!!!" She yells at him.

Meliodas POV: "Diane wait-" You get cut off by her yelling "Captain you filthy womanizer!!!" She proceeds to grab you and throw you across the ground. You look over to the others and see Y/N look of shock then disappointed. You chuckle a little as Y/N walks up to you and gives you a hand up from the ground. "Hehe thanks Y/N." You say as you facing her. She smiles that same old smile that brightens up a dark room. After some explaining we finally got Diane to calm down. Witch was good so we could actually have dinner and not worry about her blowing the Boar Hat away. Me and Y/N sat at the same stools as earlier and began to chat. "Look Y/N I'm sorry about earlier." You say scratching your head. "Ohh it ok no need to worry." Y/N says calmly. "Oh and Meliodas you have some food on your cheek." You wipe you cheek with your sleeve but find nothing. You give her a puzzled look and see her laughing. Then you realize that she was just joking around about you having food on you face. You chuckle and give her a slight nudge in her shoulder.Which made her laugh more and smile more. And you laugh along and smiled too. "Huh there seems to be barely any costumers around here tonight." You say taking a sip of ale. "You know what I bet the reason no ones here is because of your bad cooking." Y/N says to you taking your plate and hers to the kitchen. "Hey Y/N where did you put the box?" You say once she had returned. She walks up to you and taps her foot on one of the floorboards and says. "This is where it is so no need to sweat it." You nod your head and say "Who know we had lose floorboards in here." She leans against the counter and say "Well I didn't know ether entitle I almost tripped on the end of it." She points to the floorboard and sure enough one side of it was crooked upwards.

Y/N POV: You walk up to him and mess up his hair with your hands. You both began to chuckle and chat.

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