chap 8:~away

391 52 2

Im only one call away

We just finished rehearsing for the Fresher's night
It was made compulsory for every student to attend
If not I would have been at home,sleeping.

"What's wrong?are you missing your husband already?"Amira asked with a smirk the moment she sat on the bed

"You are crazy,I'm just tired"I denied hugging the pillow

"Deny it"she said raising her brows

My phone rang interrupting our conversation

"Well,he is missing you too"she added

I chuckled picking it up while she got up from the bed and ran out

"As salam alaikum,baby I missed you"His soothing voice flew into my ears from the phone and I smiled instantly

"Wa alaikumus salam,I missed you more my love.
I'm having a terrible headache"I replied laying on the bed cause the headache seem to increase

"That's bad"he sounded worried

"I can't even go out,Halima and the rest are still rehearsing"I said softly

"Shafakillah"he prayed

"Ameen,how was the hospital?"I answered then asked curiously

"Fun,I met a new friend today
She's autistic but very bright Masha Allah"he narrated

"Masha Allah,how old?"I asked thinking of how adorable she would be

"Three years old.i have start thinking of baby names already"he replied then teased
Trying to sound serious

"I see,good for you"I said acting nonchalant

"What do you mean good for me?baby is good for us"he said clearly

I burst into laughs and he joined cause I could hear it

"Let me leave you to rest,I love you"he said thoughtfully

"I love you more"

He hung up and I laid on the bed properly smiling like a fool
Until Firdaus entered with a smile

"Hey madam,they are asking for you outside"she said like a boss

"Why!"I exclaimed

"Get up,you and your co actor need to rehearse"she added tapping my arms

I sighed getting up,Alhamdulilah the pain has reduced

"Rehearse for the last time"our teacher said the moment I walked into the hall

"Okay"I said softly

"Are you okay?"Munib asked sounding worried

"Yes"I replied forcing a smile

After thirty minutes rehearsals everyone has gone back to the hostel

"Have a nice sleep you two"the teacher said carrying her water bottle

"I will escort you"Munib suggested

"No don't bother"I declined adjusting my veil

"No,it's not safe"he insisted

"Let him escort you,good night"the teacher said switching off the lights

We started walking side by side in silence until he reminded me of something that happened and we Bursts into laughs

"I really messed up,but even if I didn't I wouldn't still be with you.i wished I was few years older"he said sadly

"Munib"I called feeling bad for him

"I am sorry,it's just there is no one like you and someone else first me
My cousin"he said and I could hear jealousy,anger and regrets in his tone

"I talk too much,you didn't even realise we are already here"he said with a bitter laugh

"Good night"I said with a smile

"Good night"he replied

I walked straight to the room and grabbed my phone
I saw three missed calls from Numan
I dialed the number till sleep took me away.

Allah's sent:book 2☆(completed)Where stories live. Discover now