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May you have your own Halal love story

"Mamma!tell Ikram to give me back my doll"I heard Nawal scream from the living room
I was in the kitchen preparing something for the kids to eat

"I said you should learn to share Nawal"I said walking into the living room just then I heard the boys screaming "Ahhhhhhh!"

"Habib!Hadid stop running around the house like this"I called and they didn't listen disappearing into the balcony

"My God this headache"I said sitting on the sofa with my hand on my head
Absolutely exhausted!

The door rings and I got up to open it
ofcourse the moms walk in
Amira was holding Haidar and Hanan ran into the house to meet the girls

Firdaus went to search for her twins Habib and Hadid while Halima sat on the chair with her one year old Sakinah

"Sorry you had to take care of the kids even in such state"Amira said sitting on the sofa

"It's a pleasure though they can get noisy at times how did the conference go?"I said exhaustedly and Halima blew me a kiss
I chuckled

"It went fine"they said in unison
They were invited to a conference and since i don't like crowds plus my pregnancy is really tiring
I refused a maid though since we are not much in the house

Some hours later,
Halima went home with her daughters Ikram and Sakinah
Firdaus went with her twins(Habib and Hadid)
And Amira left with Haidar and Hanan

"Mamma,Ikram will come tomorrow?"Nawal asked holding her doll

"Nawal you are a funny girl fa,when Ikram is around you fight and when she is gone you miss her"I teased packing her hair with a ribbon

"But she's my sister"she said adorably

"Awn i know she is"I said caressing her chubby cheeks and she gave me her pain killer smile
My daughter has grown so well
My parents would have love to have her around

"Come let's get ready for bed"I said getting up and she did the same

"But I will wait for babba"she informed jumping up and down

"Sweetheart he will come soon let's go"I said smiling

After we prayed,
I got her ready for bed but she was still insisting on her Babba
So we stayed in the living room to watch cbeebies

Few minutes later she was fast asleep and that's Numan walked in

"Just wait let me go freshen up you look so beautiful I could eat you and  my baby is fast asleep I was looking forward to our puzzles"Numan said smiling

I chuckled shaking my head while he rushed to our room

"Let me get her to the room"he whispered the moment he came back carrying her in his arms

I got up following him to open the door

He tucked her in her bed giving her a kiss on her forehead before covering her tiny figure with a blanket

I served him his dinner, he told him all that happened in the hospital
And I told him about taking care of the children then we left to the room

"I can't wait for our daughter to come"he said caressing my six month old stomach

"Apart from Nawal,i hope its a son this time"I said glaring at him

"No, i can't see any male being close to my wife not even a son"he said smirking

"Numan!"i exclaimed hitting his arms lightly

He placed his lips on my mine tenderly about to undress me when my phone kept ringing repeatedly

"I hope it's important"he said with his tone laced with annoyance

I chuckled picking it

"Okay sorry right away I will forward them"I said a
before I hung up

"Who is calling you at this hour?"he asked still annoyed

"Is Hajara!Munib's wife for the family Album I'm the only one she is waiting for"I explained sitting on my study chair

"Alright let me use the bathroom"he said exiting to the bathroom

Life has been Amazing Alhamdulilah
Though there were ups and downs but the past three years I wouldn't trade it for anything

Munib married Hajara last year,it was an arranged marriage but I could see the love
While Kamal married an Arabian named Amina last two years
She was in final year  where he was doing his masters and boom here we are,she is also expecting

Jamal and Hannah now live in Dubai,he got a paying job there two years ago
They moved there and now they have triplets
Bashir,Basma and Hauwa
Yeah he named the two after our parents
We gave him that honor since he was the oldest

I don't know where the next ride will lead us in this life but as long as I have the people that love me for Allah's sake
I have no worries

"Let's continue our business"he whispered biting my ear seductively

I chuckled getting up after sending the pictures
And Numan took me into his loving arms.

And they lived halaly ever after

Allah's sent:book 2☆(completed)Where stories live. Discover now