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IT was still dark when Aria decided to run around the pack territory. Ben must have informed the pack about her since no one dared to stop her nor shadowed her.

It has been a while since she released her wolf. She can feel the happiness of her wolf when they run. She howl when she reached the hill where Ben and her used to go. After drinking water from the lake, she run again.

She intentionally run towards the boarder of the pack land. She even run into a group of sentinels that was doing their shift. They bow their heads when they saw her.

It was after five when she went down the kitchen. She had her shower already.

"Good morning. Can I have a cup of coffee?" She greeted the girl she saw in the kitchen.

She point the coffee maker since she was busy frying the sausage.

She get herself a cup and left. She went outside with her messenger bag.

She put her laptop on top of the table. She sip her coffee as she wait for it to booth. A couple of minutes later, she was furiously typing.

The bickering of a group of teenagers divert her attention from the monitor. She looked at the time. It was past eight in the morning.

She stretched her arms and back. She lifted the cup but put it back down when she realized that it was empty.

She pack her things together with the empty mug. She brought it back in the kitchen. It was a different girl that she saw there.

She asked for breakfast and another cup of coffee. She was told that other pack members were done with their breakfast. That includes the group of sentinels that are on duty.

She thank the girl, that she learned named Jenny, for her food.

She march towards the next building. She needs to talk with the alpha regarding the layout she made. She needs approval for this.

The receptionist in the office building smiled at her when she enter the lobby. She sauntered towards the alpha's office. Some employees eyed her but she ignored them.

She knocked twice before opening the door. She smiled when she meet her brother's eyes.

"I was told that you were up early."

She nodded. "I have a job to do."

She blinked when Ben grin wider. He gave her that look again. That he was proud of her.

"Let me show you the lay-out I made."

"Why don't you show that together with the other pack members?"


She wait for a few minutes before her brother lead her to the conference room which is only adjacent to the alpha's office.

She prepared the materials for the presentation as a few people fill the room. She saw Andrew sat beside her brother.

Aside from the printing machine, the scrape of the chair made to the floor is the only thing heard in the room.

"We can start now if you are ready."

She collected the printed materials before looking at the werewolves present. There were six people except for her. The alpha and beta that she recognized. The other four consist of two males and two females.

"These are Charlie, Grey, Sarah and Victoria." Ben introduced. "Charlie is the head of sentinels while Grey deals with the training for males and Sarah for the females and Victoria handles the money."

She nodded. "My name is Aria. Alpha Li Jun of Lang-Neugdae pack sent me here. I handle Lang-Neugdae pack security details."

All of them were surprised when she said that except for her brother. She distributed the papers she printed. It was the copy of the territory lay-out. The other one was the lay-out she wanted to propose. She gave them a few minutes to look at them.

Ben was nodding while looking at the papers. He was even discussing with Andrew while pointing at the lay-out.

She show the lay-out through the projector. All of them look-up.

"This is your current lay-out. Your security depends on the runs made by the sentinels through shifts. Your shifts change every four hours. Every shift, you have six sentinels that run the border. The three run west while the other run east. They will cross over after 30-40 minutes either in northern or southern border. They will stand by for 45 minutes then run again."

Charlie and Ben nodded in agreement.

"This practice is great." Charlie grinned proudly but Ben's eyebrow raised. He was waiting for the but in her next statement.

"However, if you notice the trend of attack in your pack there must have been loopholes. The last two years, according to your data, you have at least 2 minor attacks each year. This happens during the rest of the sentinels from their run."

Charlie's smile were gone the second she said that. His ears reddened but did not say another word.

"Gamma Charlie, I have nothing against you. You did well. You're security practice worked."

She showed them the new lay-out she made. She explained the technology she wanted to install along the border to tighten the security.

A couple of hours later, the presentation and brainstorming is done. Ben and her was the only people left in the meeting room. She pack her things together with the papers she printed a while ago. She need to shred them to pieces.

"Is this what you do?"

She glanced at her brother. She knew that he was staring at her while she put the materials she used back in their places.

"Among other things."

"You're good."

"Thank you."

"Are there other packs that ask for your service?"

She shook her head. "Other alphas are too proud to asked for help let alone from a woman. That woman happened to be me that was disowned by her alpha father." She said in a matter-of-fact manner.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. Life has been good to me. Other packs might have been indifferent but the human population is smarter. My service has been in demand with the human that my expertise is quite popular." She countered back and smirk at him.

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