Chapter 1

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Isadora and Aiden were back in the girl's room. She was pacing around it, while her brother was sitting on the edge of the bed, failing to calm her down.

"Isa...Please, we'll do something...-he tried to get her attention and continued-"We'll get through it. For it is not the worst thing, right?"

Even though the boy was sure, that for his sister it was. She and Loras had been good friends, but marrying him... She wouldn't even think about it. She'd rather marry his sister.

Suddenly, Isadora stopped pacing and looked at her brother. She pinched the bridge of her nose and proclaimed:

"I'm leaving."

And with that she turned to the wardrobe and started getting rid of the hunting garb she had on. Grabbing some balck coloured, cargo pants and a short sleeved, blue tunic.

"Wait... What?!" - Aiden almost yelled out from surprise-"You can't-"

Isadora stopped his talking, raising up a hand:

"I can and I will. Father shall no longer decide my future. I'm done with being in this castle, brother..."

Aiden got up from the bed and walked to his already dressed sister, putting a hand on her shoulder in reassurance.

"What I was going to say was..." -he began, chuckling quietly-"You can't go without me... So, when do we leave?"

His sister grinned widely and embraced him in a loving hug. She released him and put her belt around her waist. She looked out of the window and answered his question:

"At midnight... Quickly, go now!"-she ushered him out of her chambers.

As soon as the door was shut, she took some of her most needed stuff and put them in a bag. She opened the drawer next to her bed and took out all of her owned money. Which was quite a lot. She also took a set of formal clothes, she didn't know what could happen to them. She then opened another drawer and took the necklace, that was placed on a little white cushion. The chain itself was made from gold. And on it rested a red, phoenix shaped ruby. That had been the last gift she had gotten from her mother. Her brother had a bracelet and her younger sister, a ring.

Lastly she went to her desk and took out some paper and a quil. She wrote to her sister.

'Dear, Ilaya,

Me and Aiden are leaving. I shall not tell you were, just know that we'll be alright. I leave my life to you, knowing that you have always wanted this. I hope to see you someday...
Burn this.


Even though the girls were complete opposites, they loved each other greatly.

Isadora carefully slipped out of the room. It was dinner time so there were no guards around. She quickly found her way to Ilaya's chambers and opened the door. She swiftly placed the letter on the younger's desk and left. When she returned, she jumped on her bed and laid there until she could hear the knights returning from their patrol and gattering outside, ready to light and warm up next to the giant fire. She got up and grabbed her bag and the red  shawl that stood on the chair. She wrapped it around her head. She shoved her sword in the holster.

Isa decided it would be too obvious to go down the stairs so she went through a secret passage that she and Aiden used to leave unnoticed. The girl looked around and made her way to the stables.

"There you are! Let's go!"-she heard her brother before she saw him.

She looked around and asked him quietly:

"Where are the horses?"

Aiden pulled her hand towards the back of the yard, as far as possible from the soldiers.

"We'll have to climb this wall, since we can go out front." - was all that he said before releasing his sister and biting onto the bag.

Isadora repeated the action and they climbed up the twenty feet tall wall. But before Isadora could cross over someone behind them screamed:

"You there! Stop!"

The teen didn't listen, of course. She climbed ten feet down and jumped the other, landing on the grass. Aiden immediately handed her Vojjor's reigns and got on Doherty, holding a bag of his own.  Isadora jumped on the horse's back and quickly nudged it to run.

They could hear hooves behind them, but the sound soon disappeared.

Isadora and Aiden laughed happily. The boy looked at his sister and asked cheerfully:

"So...where are we off to, Isa?"

The girl had thought about it while she was waiting. Isa  answered calmly:

"Let's pay Drogo a visit."


Hi! I hope this is good! Please comment and... Don't vote if you don't want to! Thank you for reading the first chapter! Have a nice day/night!

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