Prologue 1.1

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Isadora was impatiently waiting for the lesson with Septa Alayne to finish so that she can grab her sword and ride of to the forest to hunt with her younger by an year brother, Aiden.

At this point the Septa's voice was blocked out completely for Isa. She could only think of what she was going to catch on her hunting trip.
She was looking through the window that was letting light into the room.

Suddenly her thinking bubble popped and she looked around the room, which was considered her and her sister's teaching place.

It had two wooden tables with weird fire shaped carvings on the legs. Both of which tables had their own throne-like chairs with red cushions to sit on, with the same carvings on the legs.

Neither of them were occupied since Isa was sitting on the windowsill, zoning out and her sister had already left.

She looked towards the door, which the Septa was holding wide open, tapping her foot in annoyance, indicating that the lesson had ended a while ago.

Isadora quickly pushed herself away from the window, dusted away the nonexistent dust on her red baggy pants and headed towards the door, only to be stopped by Septa Alayne.

"Isadora Phoenix! Young lady! You have once again ignored the whole lesson.-Alayne scolded in her soprano voice that annoyed her older student.

"Hm...-Isa began, sticking her hand in her pants' pocket-Looks like I did.

Isadora finished in her husky voice and the Septa sighed, she visibly loved the girl, but had always been disappointed that she didn't care about being a lady.

Alayne nodded her head at the door and Isadora grinned, flying out of the room.

She ran through the corridor on the second floor of the Phoenix castle and climbed the stairs to the third.

Since their family's sigil was the Phoenix they had a red and yellow aesthetic going on. Meaning that the walls, floors and stairs were in blood red. The yellow was put in the beautiful chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling.

To say that house Phoenix was powerful would be an understatement. Everybody feared them because of the events that had happened in the past. But the family mostly kept to themselfs.

They didn't intentionally cause wars and if they were to take a part in one, they'd always have the final blow.

Isa got to her bedroom and pushed open the heavy wooden door, revealing just how huge the room was.

There was a bed with open curtains and little phoenix embroideries on the red cover of the bed and on the pillowcase which was also red. It was placed in the middle of the room, facing the balcony that had a view of the forest.

There was a stool in front of the bed on which rested Isa's sword. The valyrian steel reflecting the light that was falling on it through the balcony window.

The girl smiled eagerly, but first went to her wardrobe. Much like the tables and chairs in Isadora's 'classroom', the wardrobe was also beautifully carved, but instead of fire there were roses on it. Symbolising the family's friendship with the Tyrells.

Isa opened it and quickly picked out her hunting garments. Red breeches, a girde up white shirt and a yellow tunica over it. She but a black belt with a holster in it, around her waist and her brown knee high boots.

Isadora grabbed her sword, sheathing it, and ran out of the room. She quickly took down the stairs and whistled loudly, signaling her leaving. Soon after, the gates of the castle standing in front of her, were opened, waiting for her leave.

She smiled lightly at the guards that were holding the gate and made some small talk with them as she was passing by, saying something about the good weather, which wasn't surprising, since they lived in the south.

As soon as Isa was out in the yard she ran to the stable and saw her brother feeding an apple to his gray with spots of white fur around the neck horse, Doherty.

"Aiden!-Isadora said a bit too loud, startling the dark-skinned stable boy.

Her brother turned his head towards her sister, short, crimson red hair flying around. His eyes stopped on hers, golden meeting golden.

"Hello, dearest sister. Shall we go?" - Aiden asked, smiling playfully.

" 'course we shall!"-Isa answered excitedly, as she went to the back of the stable to pick up her golden stallion.

It was gifted to the girl by a good friend of house Phoenix, a dothraki khal called Drogo. So Isa had named the horse Vojjor, a word meaning 'God'. It was a very fast animal. Easily outrunning the other horses.

People said that they were a brutal and unforgiving horde... They were right about that part, of course, but the Dothraki were also a good battle ally.

And even if they didn't go in battle often, the Phoenix house did engage in wars. And having the Dothraki as an ally, made it way easier to win in fights.

If you knew not to question their methods of living and undoubted skills in battle, they actually were nice people.

So once Vojjor was out, Isadora ruffled his creamy coloured mane and got on his back with a swift jump.

She gently kicked the animal, which began moving forward, and turned towards her brother, who was waiting for her.

"Open the gates!" - a servant yelled out.

Isa looked devilishly as she said calmly:

"Are you up for a little race, brother?"

Before Aiden could answer the gates were fully opened and Isadora left quickly, Vojjor thrilled to be out.

He kicked lightly Doherty to get her going and flapped the reins, making the horse jump and gallop out of the castle.

Then they sped of to the forest to hunt.



Hi guys! This is the first half of the prologue for this book. As you've probably read from the description, this is a Daenerys x oc fanfic. It's my first related to the Game of Thrones series. Since I'm very poor at writing, I would be grateful if you were to tell me when something is incorrectly written or other grammar stuff. Thank you for reading!

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