Carter Reid

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Carter put away the last box of alarm clocks. His shift had ended 37 minutes ago but due to the amount of employees absent, he had to work 2 extra shifts.

Sometimes he just didn't understand why people applied for jobs when they didn't even show up. 3 of the employees were teenagers and the rest were adults.

Carter smiled as a lady walked by him. He fixed his glasses and headed to the next aisle. Someone had messed up all the different coloured LED lights to fit to their choice.

He would have to take out all of them, and then arrange them again by colour, size and brand. If he was short any lights he would have to go through the entire storage department looking for them.

Carter had piled the lights according to their brand when a little boy bumped into him making all the lights drop out of his hands and scatter all over the floor.

"Darn it!" Carter said angrily. "You should watch where you're going."

But the brown haired boy just stared at him. Carter decided to ignore him. He went back to organizing the lights.

Before he could even pick up the lights, the little boy started pulling at his leg. Carter tried to get him off, but it was no use.

"Get off me you...child! I have work to do!" He said to the little boy.

Still the boy just kept staring. Carter needed to focus. He had a whole lot of work left to do and this boy was just distracting him.

He decided to find his parents. What kind of a mother would let her child roam a gigantic store like Home Depot.

"Do you know where your mommy is?" He asked the kid in his most kind voice.

Again the kid stared and continued to pull his leg. Carter grabbed the kids hand and dragged him out of the isle. He turned right but was stopped by the boy. He kept tugging on his wrist, trying to let go.

"Nice try, little fella." He said. "You ain't going nowhere."

Carter went through every isle asking everybody if he was their kid.


Carter felt like he had searched the entire store, yet no luck. Before he could reach the front desk and report the kid, he saw an isle he hadn't checked. The Flashlight isle.

As he approached he heard the voices of the people. A young woman's and 2 young men.

"Hurry up guys! Leo is in the car waiting with Ava." The woman said.

"How is it that we are picking out flashlights when Leo is an expert at it?" A man's voice said.

"Because Annabeth doesn't trust anyone but me here with Ava and we needed to come to watch you guys. Gods your worse than the kids!" The same woman's voice said.

Carter approached them and cleared his throat.

"Excuse me please. Is this your child?" He asked.

Everybody turned and looked at him. The brunette whom Carter assumed was the boys mother, was the one that spoke.

"Elliot! What are you doing with him?" She asked.

"Well he was disrupting my work and caused some damage of property. It wasn't that much but we'll let it go. You should watch him better!" Carter said.

Suddenly the brunette had an angry look on her face. The black haired man spoke.

"Wasn't Annabeth watching him?" He said.

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