Right Here: Sid

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Requested by oracle60

Sid walked down the halls, y/n ran to catch up with him, "where were you this morning? You weren't outside," y/n asked. She usually picked up Sid on the way to school. 

"Thought I'd walk," Sid mumbled, he didn't look at her. He couldn't look at her. If he looked at her, everything would come pouring out and he wasn't sure if he was ready for that. 

"Just as well, nearly crashed this morning," y/n wasn't sure how she had ever gotten her licence. y/n spotted Tony and waved, "are you two talking yet? We have that concert tonight." 

Sid didn't answer as Tony approached, "alright, y/n? Still alive then." Tony was referring to her driving which he had witnessed this morning. 

"Just about," y/n joked along, "still up for driving you lot though, ain't far from yours anyway." 

It was remarkable how many times they had all gotten y/n to drive while she was drunk. They all thought she was better drunk-driving than she was sober. 

"Everyone in!" y/n shouted, a bottle in her hand. Sid took the drink off her as he got into the car, he ended up finishing the drink. Tony never thought to walk, they always ended up running into y/n somewhere along the way. y/n braked hard on the corner, "here will do!" 

"Jesus, y/n," Tony mumbled as he held onto her arm, attempting to steady himself. They got out of the car and stumbled into the club. y/n instantly gravitated away from Tony and Sid, she had found some people she knew there. 

Sid watched her walk away and wished he could follow but he somehow latched onto Tony. Even if he hadn't explained what had happened at least Tony knew something had happened. However, Tony followed y/n. So, Sid did. 

But, they ended up losing her. 

"Shit," y/n cursed as she slammed the breaks too hard. She nearly passed Sid's house on the way up the street they both lived on. y/n had gotten a text from Tony to come to Sid's immediately. She was still tipsy and she avoided the mirror because she really didn't need to see what she looked like. 

Once y/n had parked, she walked back down the street to Sid's house, stumbling occasionally. She fumbled with her keys to find Sid's house key. Sid had given it to her, he always forgot his. The curtains were drawn and it was unusually quiet. She knocked on the door then unlocked the door and pushed it open, "Sid?" she questioned, strangely she wasn't actually slurring her words. 

There was no answer, she shut the door behind her. "Sid?" she said louder. She glanced up the stairs, listening for some movement. "Sid?" she headed to the kitchen but stopped as she saw the living room. She didn't even think about shout Tony. 

"In here, y/n," Tony said, he was speaking very quietly. y/n walked into the living room. 

Sid was sat on the sofa with his Dad sitting in the chair. "Sid?" she said softer this time, as she walked into the room. He looked at her. "What happened?" She asked, standing next to him. 

"He died... he just... died" Sid mumbled. y/n stopped some tears from escaping, she needed to be strong for him. She glanced to Tony, who appeared from the kitchen with two cups of tea. 

She took the tea from Tony. Y/n sat next to Sid and handing him the cup of tea. They didn't say anything, Sid simply took the cup and began sipping. Tony stayed stood near the door. He knew the only person to make Sid at least snap out of this trance would be to get y/n.

y/n, in truth, didn't know what to do. She couldn't seem to find the words. She placed her head on his shoulder and took hold of his hand. "What do I do, y/n?" Sid asked. 

"I don't know, Sid," y/n sniffed. 

"Call someone," Tony shrugged. y/n nodded. Tony handed Sid his phone. 

"I don't think I can," Sid said, looking at the phone. y/n glanced at Tony, who then left the room. 

y/n took hold of Sid's hand with the phone in it, she squeezed it. "Yes, you can. And, I'll be right here with you," y/n whispered and planted a small kiss on his cheek. "I'm not going anywhere."

Thanks for reading, sorry if some of the details are off. Hope you enjoyed it.

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