Chap 7 : Cute little Jerry

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"There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you." - Steve Meraboli


Upon hearing a commotion, I look up from reading on my phone, to see my mother lunging at the door with a smile so big, I'm surprised didn't tear her face apart.

She must be really happy.

Meanwhile my father calls my brother from upstairs. Which reminds me that you guys know almost absolutely nothing about him. Well, the name's Jordan - he's in college, which isn't far, so he's often home - quite good looking - mostly takes after dad - not really close to me- "Oh my, Ariana! have I not missed you!"

I am brought back to reality by a slim, beautiful woman hugging my mother dearly, across the hall. I look at the front door and see a middle-aged man enter with a bratz look-alike girl. A tween maybe? And then lastly enters their infamous son. He has soft, shiny, white hair and warm blue- Wait, is that Ethan?

He so is!

Amidst me being in a ton of emotions, mostly disbelief, and everyone meeting and hugging each other, he turns towards me and gives me a warm smile. Oh myyy. Wait, why isn't he the least bit surprised? And sooo calm?!!

I can't believe this.

"You?" I mouth to him and he mouths back a "Yes," with a small nod and a growing smile.

Oook, now I feel really stupid. Of course it's him. Why did I have to ask? I'm super dumb.

What if someone saw us? Or more precisely, me? What would they think??

What's even the big deal? What's so wrong about it? Honestly, if I keep giving dems for every little thing, I won't survive. Hence, I won't be demmed.

I can't believe this is happening.

Someone pinch me please.

Or not.


I finally make my way to the guests and greet them. In the meantime, Jordan also comes to greet them politely like he's that polite all the time.

"You've really grown up Jord. Last time I saw, you were just a cute little Jerry!" Ethan's mom says cooingly, pinching my brother's cheek and he just stands there kinda awkwardly, yet smiling cheekily, and I'm just smiling like crazy.

When our parents guide the guests to the living room, I take it as an opportunity to tease my brother, not that I get a lot of chances anyways.

"Last time I checked, you didn't like nicknames," I awkwardly elbow him and he glares at me.

"I still don't, but I like her," he replies, like he's replaying some old sweet childhood memories.

"Who are you and what have you done to my brother?" I look at him, feigning shock. At this he just chuckles and heads to the living area, leaving me standing there alone, shaking my head in disbelief.


That was just so weird of you. He thinks of you as such, and that's why he left.


Over dinner, I once again realised that if mom's good at anything, then it's making yummy food and so, no matter what, my forever love would always be food. Tho it was a bit uncomfortable and challenging to fulfill my heartly desires whilst my mom eyed and gave me looks since my second serving. At least she should know me after these sixteen years.

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