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3 years later

ʝαнѕєн ρσν

i was woken out of my sleepless slumber from the someone knocking on the door and the doorbell ringing persistently in my ears and echoing in the empty house. i picked up my phone seeing its only 10:12, it was my week with LJ...finally

I could feel my red eyes as I pulled up my hood and went to open the door. I opened the door greeted by Sage and my smiling son.

"Did you s-m-o-k-e ?" she said eyeing me up and down.


"Bye LJ" she said kissing his lips and passing him to me as I reached my arms out for LJ.

"Bye mama" LJ said opening and closing his tiny hand.

"Bye bye sweetie" she said walking to her bmw.

She looked over at the Range Rover I bought for her the day before I made a fucking mistake 3 years ago.

She didn't even bother to check up on me

I shut the door and sniffed putting LJ down.

"up up" he said reaching back up for me.

I picked him up and walked to the guest room and sat on the bed turning on sponge bob. I sat him down and shut the door, he don't need to be exploring the house.

"Pin no pin no" he said walking down the mini stairs I placed at the end of my bed so he could get on and off easily;he ran to the piano, he loved listening to me play it.

I got under the covers and went into deep thought thinking about me and sage and how much i missed our relationship, the cuddling, just staring at each other, sitting on the floor next to her as she pissed, her shaving my pubic hair. yes because i didn't feel the need to, but the bitch wanted to suck my dick.

Everyday I wake up excersise, insta, watch tv, stoke might come and chill with his daughter, which he half claims for no reason but that ain't my problem. my problem is that i'm not with the love of my life. I miss her so fucking much she changed me, she helped me, she loved me, but today was emotional to me because today was the day we created LJ, which hurts so much.

3 yrs ago I nutted in her for the first time.

"da da?" LJ said softly tapping my face under the cover.

"you cry...you otayy ?" He said trying to pull the covers off my face.

"no, I'm okay" I lied, wiping my face on my covers then looked at him, i didn't feel the tears running down my eyes, he poked his bottom lip out.

"me sowwyy"

He took his small hands, wiping the rest of my tears away, after he did that he wrapped his small arms around my neck and laid his head on mine.

It hurt so much looking at him right now.

I'm in like the worst condition right now, I think she brought him to me so early because she's tryna get back at me, reminding me how i fucked up our perfect family, a couple of seconds in our little hug session I heard small whimpers coming from him.

𝔬𝔩𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔰 v.2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now