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𝕤𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕧

i woke up and rubbed my eyes stretching. i turned over seeing my beautiful son sleeping. he yawned and stretched then felt around the bed.

"where is it?" he mumbled.

"where's what baby?" i asked him getting up, going to my bathroom.

"stitch" he said as his bottom lip poked out.

"we'll find him" i said before brushing his teeth.

i put a mask on my nose, chin, and forehead as i started hearing crying. i continued brushin my teeth as i peeked out the bathroom, seeing Lj wailing his eyes out crawling off the bed. which made me hurry and finish my bathroom necessities, once i finished everything, he was already in his room sobbing.

"baby it's okay, we're gonna find him" i said walking into his room as he laid on his bed;crying into it as i rubbed his back, picking him up.

"no" he said rubbing his face on my shoulder.

i rubbed his back as i quickly walked down stairs. i laid him on the couch and quickly looked around where we been around the house. after i checked inside i checked outside. i went to my car and opened the door seeing stitch next to his car seat.

i quickly grabbed it heading back into the house.

"babyy, look what i got" i said holding up the stitch pillow as i opened the door.

"AHH THANK YOU MOMMEEEE!" he screamed hugging me then giving me a kiss. 


"i love you too baby" i smiled pulling from the hug, getting up.

"do you wanna do anything today?" i asked him.

i don't like to keep him in the house all the time i know it's gets boring, especially since imma girl.

"hmm, the park?"

"sure of course"

"i need to eat first" he said pointing at me, raising his eyebrows.

"yes sir" i laughed going in the kitchen as he followed close behind.

"i want spaghetti o's and penis"


"penis" he said looking at me.

"stop that's a bad word" i said popping his hand.

"sowwy" he mumbled bitting his finger.


after he ate his spaghetti o's i drove us to the park in my bmw. i turned on the radio as i stopped at a red light.

"...yea i meant every couple isn't perfect, and you may make mistakes, no human is perfect no matter how hard you try...we may argue but just know at the end of the day..i love you" jahseh said on the radio.

"ooo x whose the little message for"

"it's just a quote"

"alright, thank you for answering the call bro have a nice day"

"same for you"

"alright y'all X X X tent- ta- cion came out with a new feelings touched song, play that shit terry"

"As a fair warning to everyone listening to this song
I advise you to not hide your feelings
Don't pretend to be okay when you're not okay
Don't pretend to be happy when you're sad
It'll only lead to your misery
Don't you fucking hate it when you hear my name?
I feel the same and when you hear this you gon' feel the pain
And all these niggas that you fuckin with to get away
But girl I know you think about it almost everyday
And I'll be honest I be jealous of these niggas, true
How you feelin with these niggas that you talk to?
Captivated by your mind and your walk too
Can't replace you with these bitches that I talk to
This ain't lust, it's love, we had trust, what's good?
I should've held you close, should've kept you warm
And when the rain is fallin', wonder who you call
Don't pray to god, you rather cry than call
Don't jump, pretend it don't hurt
Repent, I won't stomp, my feet in a rage
My nigga I'm no chump
Need you and I crave you, hate you
Think I ripped the wings off of my fuckin' angel
It don't hurt me, damn
W. R. A. S
I'll forever be the...
I'll forever be the elephant in the room
I'll always love you
I'm sorry"

"Obviously he made that song for a previous lover" a female said.

"It was probably Sa-"

I cut the radio off and and got out the car, shaking my head, me and jahseh still haven't told anyone what happened, i have a feeling geneva nosey ass was prolly recording or some shit.

"Mummi dat was daddi" Lj smiled as I unbuckled him.

"I..I know" I sighed.

"Look go play" I said walking him over to the play ground.

"OH MY GOSH ITS XXXTENTACION'S SON" some girls said coming over with a few guys.

"can we please take a picture" the girl begged.

"yea of course" i smiled as they crouched hugging him.

"don't touch me i gotta girlfwen" he said moving her head off his shoulder as we all laughed.

"is it me" a light skin girl asked swinging her shoulder length brown curly hair, she looked familiar, like she was a dj at one of my high school.

"no, her name cat..da fuq" he said making the 'nigga' face.

they laughed getting some pictures and videos before they walked away. i didn't even bother asking him where he got that word from. i followed Lj to the swings  my mind was main on jahseh's new song and how-

"MOMEEE CATCH ME" Lj screamed jumping out the swing.

i caught him just in time as he giggled his ass off. i went to sit next to him on the swing when he stopped me.

"mommy no you too big yo not gone fit"


"your legs to fat" he said grabbing my knees.

"you know what fine" i said throwing my hands up in defense.


"feels like i'm damAAaAGED" lj sung as he played with his cars as i worked from home for the modeling agency.

"i know your somewhere mommy" he said climbing on the table as i looked up from my computer.

"i looOOoVe when your around but" he said standing up. "I FUQIN HATE WHEN YOU LEAVE"

"boy stop all that cussing"

"cussing?" he said confused.

"yes what you just did"

"is that bad?" he asked sitting down on the table grabbing my phone.

"yes very"

"oh, i won't say it no more" he smiled at me "mama dis you!" he said showing me my phone.

"yep that's me"

"your pwetty" he cheesed.

"thank you" i said submitting my recommendations and request.

"mama mama! can we do dis" he said showing some people hiking.

"sure baby, then we can fly your kite and have a picnic"

"i don't know what det is but it sound fun" he cheesed getting off the table, sitting beside me "can daddy come"

"another time, i promise"

"okayyy!" he smiled.

"now come help me make some cookies"

𝔬𝔩𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔰 v.2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now