Kryoz- Day After

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You woke up with a start as you heard your boyfriend groan loudly. You glance over at the clock and see that's it's already three in the afternoon. Suddenly all the memories of what happened last night hit you like a tsunami, you start to groan along with him. "Good afternoon babygirl." John rolls onto his side and props himself on his elbow. "Hi." You mumble and turn towards him. You realized your lack of clothing but, to your surprise John had his normal sleeping shorts and sweater on. "Did we..." You trail off and glance at John. "You tried but I stopped it." He laughs to himself. "Who would've ever thought I'd be the one to stop us from fucking." You roll your eyes at him and smack his arm. "So why'd you stop it?" You ask, curious about his answer. You and John had only had sex once, he brought it up often but you weren't entirely comfortable with the whole idea. He didn't push you, he respected your choices but you knew it somewhat bothered him. "You were wasted." He shrugs. "It wasn't you giving consent. It was drunk you." You entire heart aches with love as he explains what happened. He really did care about you and your well being. His voice goes down a bit and becomes a little serious, "But if you ever drink with Mason again I'm going to get upset. Actually, angry. This was your first time drinking and you went way out of bounds." He bites his lips and gently shakes his head. You could tell he was getting upset just thinking about it. "We didn't do anyth-" "Yeah I fucking know." He lays down on his back and stares up at the ceiling. You both lay in silence for what seemed like an eternity until John spoke again. "I'm not mad. Just pissed at him." He shakes his head and glances over at you. "I'm not mad... just pissed at him." You repeat slowly. "Yeah." "Uh huh." You stifle a laugh. "Being pissed and mad are the same thing John." You chuckle and roll over so you are half way on top of him. He lets out a small grunt and rolls his eyes. "Well he shouldn't do that shit with you." "Why?" You sit up and saddle his waist and stare at him. "Because you're mine babygirl." He grabs your hips and gives them a hard squeeze. "Am I?" You tease and lean down until your inches away from his face. "All mine." He whispers and gently kisses your lips. After a night of drinking and having a horrible headache that you were just now realizing was a thing, the kiss felt like thousands of fireworks going off in your body. You giggle like a child and sit back up, getting off of John and hopping off the bed. He lets out a soft whine as you leave but starts to get up and trails behind you. You sleepily walk to the kitchen and pour a glass of water for you and John. "Thank you madam." John tips his glass towards you and downs it in one go. You slowly sip yours as your reach in the kitchen cabinet and grab some medicine for your headache. "Welcome to the hangover life." John laughs and watches you swallow the pills with great difficulty. "Just swallow them like you'd swallow this d-" "Shut up shut up shut up." You cut him off quickly and shake your head slowly at him. "No fun." He sticks out his lower lip and lets out a fake sob. "What a crybaby." You murmur and finish off your glass of water. "What a crybaby." John mocks and gently pushes you. You scoff loudly and flip him off. "John?" You jump on top of the counter and cross your legs, and turn towards him. "Yeah?" John leans against the counter beside you and turns his head to face you. "Do you trust me?" You nervously pop your fingers and stare down at the floor. "Why wouldn't I? Have you done something to lose my trust?" "No." You look up at John, his eyes look as if they are filled with worry. "I just.. you got mad at me being with Mason last night, you get mad when I hang out with the other guys. D-did I do something wrong?" You stare into his eyes and look for some type of reaction but you find none. John looks away and sighs loudly, a growl in the undertone of it. "Baby no. You've done nothing wrong. Of course I trust you." He stands up straight and steps in front of you. "I guess I'm just jealous." He shrugs and boops your nose. "John be serious please." You reach out and grabs his waist and pull him closer. "I am being serious. What's mine is mine. I said that earlier too, did I not?" He leans down and whispers in your ear, "Shall I show you?" He pulls away and smirks, his eyebrow raises slightly to question you. You roll your eyes but contemplate it for a minute. You probably worried him last night from being alone with Mason. Mason was one of your best friends but when he got drunk he was wild. The possibilities of what you two could've done was endless and you started to feel the guilt run through you. You could at least show him that you were his and only his. To reply to his question you grab the collar of his sweater and pull his lips to yours, roughly kissing him. You feel John smirk against your kiss as he places his hands on your thighs and leans into you. His gently bites your lip which sends shock waves throughout your body. All of a sudden he pulls away from you, the look in his eyes was intoxicating. Whatever you drank last night would never be able to top how you felt while staring into his eyes when he got like this. "You can't just start off strong and get nervous babygirl. You got me going now." John chuckles and backs away from you, gesturing for you to hop down. You carefully move off the counter and stand in front of John. Usually your height difference between you and hI'm  didn't effect you but now it was as you thought of what was going to happen next.  John grabbed your arm and lead you back to your bedroom where you just left. "Sit." He instructs as he closes the door behind him and locks it. You slowly sit down on the edge of the bed and look up at John. "Are you sure this is okay?" John's expression softens a bit as he walks towards you. "Yes John. It's all good." You smile at him and give him a thumbs up. "Good." He reaches behind him and tugs off his sweater and compassionately pushes you down onto the bed. "I love you so much." John places himself on top of you and kisses your neck gently. "I love you too John." You pull at the hair tie that held back his hair and threw it aside. His hair fell over his face which made your heart skip a beat, you truly loved this man when he was in his purest form of himself. "Ready for the good stuff?" John mumbles in your ear and gently nips at it. "Y-yeah." Your words come out in an exasperated stumble as John pulls your shirt over your head and the two of you start your long afternoon.

~Thank you guys for over 300 hundred reads! To some that may seem like a small number but I truly do appreciate it. It shows that my work doesn't go unnoticed and that makes me happy. Ily guys and I hope you are doing well 💓~

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