When You Argue Imagine Pt. 1 (All)

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~Hey guys! This is part 1 of this little imagine. I already have part 2 typed up and ready to go but I'm saving it for when I'm super busy and haven't wrote anything! Ily and I hope you enjoy!~
You never really argue over small things but when you do it's over in about five minutes ending with both of you laughing. Most of the fierce arguments start from you just telling Fitz he works too much or he's not taking care for himself but of course and disregards every word of it. After going back and forth for about twenty minutes he yells one more time and shuts himself into his office. He always wanted the last word and that's the least you could give him. While he was in his office you would sit outside of his door waiting until he came out. Sometimes it was a few minutes sometimes it would be a few hours. When he finally came out you would still be sitting beside the door, still waiting. Sometimes his eyes would be a light pink from crying and sometimes he'd still look mad. Whatever mood he was still in he would kneel down and scoop you into his arms and hold you as tears streamed down your face, the both of you apologizing for the entire thing.

You and Swagger only got into arguments when he was high or drunk after a bad day. It would start if you did something wrong or interrupt him while recording. He would instantly snap and start yelling at you, saying things you and him both knew he didn't mean. After yelling everything he needed to get out he would sit down on the couch with his head in his hands muttering about only god knows what. You would sit down across from him and softly sniffle, wiping tears from your eyes. You tried to never cry because of Swagger, it just made him feel worse about the entire situation. Eventually he would get up and sit beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist and places a kiss on your temple. He would over apologize and then talk about what was bothering him, softly whispering about it all.

Just like Fitz, John would constantly over work himself. If he had been working on a project for over a week without a break you could feel the distance between the two of you. He would get upset quite easily after not getting stuff done in his scheduled time. After awhile you start dropping small hints that he should take more frequent breaks or maybe take a day off. When John has finally had enough he would just randomly start yelling at you, saying you didn't know what was good for him. John never really yells but when he does you instantly start crying. You stomp out of the room saying harsh words as you leave and lock yourself in your bedroom. Usually around five minutes later John would be knocking at the door apologizing for yelling at you and saying what he did was wrong, that he didn't mean any of it. You finally open the door after the 11th apology in counting. John gently pulls you into his arms; hugging you tight and kisses the top of your head.

You and Matt almost never fought. You two were very optimistic people when it came to each other's company but even the greatest of people have their fights. After a long, stressful day you come home and instantly find something to argue with Matt about. He usually takes up for himself and says something along the lines of "You have no right to yell at me right now." That of course makes you even more angry and the two of you continue to go back and forth until you finally call it quits and go to bed. After Matt finishes up whatever he was doing he goes to your room and crawls into bed with you. He wraps his arms around you and spoons you, whispering how sorry he was that you two fought and he never wanted it to happen again. You agree with Matt that the whole thing was stupid and you talk to him about what was wrong and why your day was as bad as it was. The two of you talk for hours and finally you both fall asleep in each

You and Mason were constantly fighting. It wasn't always full out screaming matches but when they were he would always start them. His anxiety and constant roller coaster of mood swings would make him upset and just flat out angry at himself. His self anger would soon spread to him just being angry at everything, including you. He would pace around the house just yelling for no reason and saying how much he hated this or that. Finally after hearing it for awhile you come out of your office and ask him what was wrong. Sometimes he'd say nothing and on the rarest of occasions he would say you were the reason he was like this. You didn't take his shit when he got like that and tried your best to calm him down but everything would always fail, resulting in you getting mad and starting to yell. Mason would always have to have the last word in any sort of argument. After he was finished he would stomp back to his office and smoke, locking his door while he was at it. A few minutes after he had left you would walk to his office and softly knock on the door. He would flat out ignore you until you would convince him to open the door. Sometimes he would come out crying and it completely breaks your heart. He would would bend down and softly lay his head on your shoulder and just cry. He would apologize over and over for the way he was and how he doesn't deserve you. You would quietly shush him and make him sit on the floor while you sat in his lap, whispering that everything would be okay and that you loved him.

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