Inotorious- You Work Too Much/ Coming Out

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"What's up cutie?" Matt knocks on the cracked door and lets himself in. "Hello love." You swivel around in your chair and smile up at your boyfriend. "Editing?" He asks as he gently pats your head and looks at the two monitors. "Youuuu know it." You sigh and turn back to the desk. "Why don't we take a break?" Matt clicks the mouse a few times and shuts off both monitors. "Hey, I need to finish!" You complain. You try and reach for the button to turn your computer back on but you're stopped by Matt. "Nope. You've worked for hours," Matt scolds you too much for not taking enough care of yourself and working so often. "You have days until you have to send in your work. Let's go out." Matt grabs your hands and starts pulling you out of the chair. "But Mattttt." You whine. "But babbeeee." He mocks. You sigh and reluctantly stand up out of the chair and follow Matt. "Go get dressed and come back downstairs." He shoos you upstairs to your shared bedroom to find some clothes. You trudge over to your closet and open it. It had been pretty chilly lately so you would need something a bit warmer.  You throw off your pajamas and slipped on one of Matt's sweatshirts and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. "I just want to workkk." You whine out loud to yourself as you slipped on a pair of white sneakers. After finishing the double knots on your sneakers you pounce back downstairs. "Ready to go?" Matt appears from the mud room and hands you your bag. "Yes sir." You smile and throw on your bag and dash out the door to Matt's car. You hear the lock pop up after multiple tugs on the door and you jump in. "No need to pull off the door handle. I'll eventually let you in." Matt laughs as he opens his door and slips into the car. "Well it's cold." You pout and reach for your seatbelt to put on. "Well it's cold." Matt mocks you "What a meanie. First you drag me from my work, make me wear clothes, and then you mock me." You turn away from Matt and cross your arms. Matt leans over and grabs your face, "Don't be sassy," He states. "Maybe if you didn't try and work yourself to death I wouldn't force you to do things." You shrug your shoulders and look away. "Hey.. look at me." Matt tilts your head sideways and gently kisses your lips. After a few blissful moments he pulls away. You turn red and look down at your lap, as Matt starts the car and pulls down the driveway. "You are so shy. It's just me." Matt laughs. You shake your head and smile. "Play me some cool music Mattie boy." You say and pull out Matt's phone from the cup holder. "Sorry but I don't have emo trash on my phone like you do." He teases. "Heyyy." You gently slap is arm and giggle. "DONT MAKE ME PULL THIS DAMN CAR OVER." He jokingly screams. "You are starting to sound like Fitz, oh god." You yell in between each breath. You both keep laughing for a good bit, moments like these made you fall in love with that boy more and more. You turn Matt's phone back on and go though his playlists. "Well lookie here," you click on a playlist labeled 'Baby's Music 🎼' "I hope this is me or you just got CAUGHT." You open the music and scroll through. All your favorite songs were there and songs that you and Matt both loved. "Oh gosh. Please stop." Matt says and covers his face with one hand. You click on your favorite song from the list and turn the stereo up. Turning off the phone and placing it back down you reach for Matt's hand and gently intertwine your fingers together. "How romantic." He smirks and raises your hand to kiss it. "Tis." You replied and stared straight ahead out the windshield. The soft song fills the car stereo and makes the car warmer in sense. "Matt..?" You say carefully. "Yes babe?" Matt glances over in your direction. "Are you ashamed of me?" You ask. Matt taps the breaks and you're jolted forward. "Jesus Matt what the f-" You look over and see Matt look very panicked and almost heartbroken. "Baby why would you ever think that?" His voice shakes ever so slightly. You shrug, "I mean your fans know nothing of my existence. When the guys are around you won't let them even look my way. Am I that bad." Your voice cracks throughout the entirety of you talking, a knot building in your throat. Matt doesn't answer, he quickly turns on his blinker and pulls over. He shuts the car off and leans back into his seat. "I'm sorry. That was wrong of me. I jus-." "Stop." Matt interrupts your lines of apologies. "Baby I love you so much," Matt turns to you and looks you in the eyes. "Nothing will ever come in the way from that. I haven't told my viewers because I don't want them to judge you and say mean things just because they want their hands on me. I don't want them to drown you with their judgement. I don't like the guys around you because Fitz has liked you in the past. I don't want him to take you away." Tears start running down Matt's face. "I'm sorry that I even made you think for a second that I'm ashamed of you. You are absolute perfection in my eyes." You start crying, your face in your hands. "I-I'm sorry." You say muffled. "Come here." Matt unbuckles your seatbelt and pulls you over the console onto his lap. "I'm sorry," You whimper into his shoulder. "I just make everything worse." Matt shushes you and gently rubs your back in soothing circles. "Baby it's okay. There's nothing to be sorry for. I promise." Matt pulls your head up and starts placing kisses all over your face. You gently laugh and kiss his lips. "Wanna post about us?" Matt quietly asks. You look up at him. "Wait really?" You ask shocked. He grabs his phone and opens Instagram. Your heart starts racing as Matt clicks the plus sign to add a post. "What should we put?" Matt scrolls through the hundreds of photos of you and him. You shift so you are facing the phone and shrug. "Here. Pick the ones you wanna flaunt." He giggles and hands you the phone. You quickly scroll to the bottom of the photos and click two from a few years ago. You slowly scroll up and find some that peaked your interest. As your scrolling you see a few not very safe photos and turn red. "When did you take these?" You elbow Matt and pout. "Well after you pass out from our... adventures I sneak some photos." He laughs and keeps scrolling. You glance up and when you look back down you see a photo of you shirtless. "MATT!" You yell and blush. "Shhh. I know you have so many more on your phone." You lean your head on his shoulder and watch as he clicks a few more. "Now we have to be white." You pluck the the phone from his hand and started writing a caption, '4/17/15 🔐💓' You laugh at your little caption and show Matt. He smiles happily and clicks post. You take a deep breathe and let it out slowly. "You sure this is okay?" You ask Matt, turning towards him. His eyes are filled with pure joy and love as he looks at you. "I'm more than okay with this. I love you so much." He places a kiss on your forehead and hugs you. You embrace for a few minutes in comfortable silence. You glance up and see another car behind you with flashing lights and someone getting out. "Matt, we're still on the side of the road." You groan. "Well fuck."

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