Chapter 4: Search For Medicine

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The next day, Luca wakes to an unfamiliar sight. On the opposite side of the bars was a man with black, slicked back hair and a brown coat talking to a guard. Curious, Luca asks Hugo about the man.

Luca: What do you think their talking about?
Hugo: Don't know... All I know is that the guy is a God Eater. Good chance he's here to buy an AGE or two.

The two continued to look at the conversation between the mystery God Eater and the guard. Just as it ended, the God Eater's eye turned to the two AGEs. He then gave them a smile and waved his hand before leaving the room.

Luca: What the hell is he smiling about?
Luca: Hugo?
Hugo: Luca... Its Sho, his cough is getting worse by the day.
Luca: ?!

Sho is a 9 year old boy who, despite an incredibly low compatibility rate, passed his test and became an AGE. But this has lead to a weakened immune system and is constantly ill. Despite all that, the boy is still sent outside to do salvage in the Ashlands. Worried, Luca sits next to Sho to talk with him.

Luca: ...Hey.
Sho: *cough cough* L-Luca.
Luca: Hugo told me you've been coughing a lot lately.
Sho: Yeah, but it's okay. I'm fine, really!
Luca: Sho, I get it. You want to find a way to help everyone despite your illness. But listen, that doesn't mean you have to work yourself to death. The best thing you can do for everyone is to try and get some rest, okay?
Sho: But--
Luca: This isn't a matter for discussion.
Sho: O-Okay...

    After finally convincing Sho to rest and recuperate, Luca gets up to find the two other children, Lil and Marr, look at him with worry for their friend. Luca kneels down and reassures the two that Sho is going to be okay. He then notices Hugo, Zeke and Keith in a corner talking in secret. Hugo quietly waves Luca over to explain.

Luca: What is it?
Hugo: Keith; tell him what you told us.
Keith: Okay, so the comms system have been on the fritz for the past few days and they've been calling me to fix it. I overheard the guards say that Hugo will be sent to do some scavenging near the old highway, and you and Zeke are going to the city for an extermination order. Once you guys have confirmed the Aragami are all dead, I'll fiddle with the system a bit to bring down the whole system and make it look like a communication malfunction.
Zeke: See what he's gettin' at?
Luca: Yeah, with the comms down, they'll be scrambling find the problem rather than worry about retrieving any AGEs in the field until its fixed. Giving us enough time to...
Hugo: ...Exactly. Enough time to look for some medicine for Sho.
Keith: But you'll only have ten minutes, so you'll have to act fast.

    With their plan put together, the group wait until Zeke and Luca are called and taken to the city. After their shackles are disengaged, Zeke readies his massive hammer, and Luca connects his two blades together by their sides. Transforming his God Arc into a laser gun. Out in the distance, the two see five arachnid Aragami called Blast Spiders.

Luca: Lets make this quick.
Zeke: Yeah, Sho's life is on the line here.

    Zeke quickly rushes in and in one swing of his hammer, crushes the Aragami's leg. Then he raises his weapon, activates its built in booster, and brings his weapon down onto the spider's head. He then quickly backs away from the corpse as the massive sacs on its back began to pulsate and glow before suddenly exploding.

Luca: Zeke, remember! These things explode when they die, so back off as soon as you make the kill!
Zeke: Yeah, yeah! I know!

The remaining four Aragami all jump at once towards Zeke, but before they could strike, Luca fires his gun. The beam arcing and piercing the heat sacs on one of them, causing it to ignite and explode. Due to their close proximity, the explosion caused a chain reaction in the other three, resulting in their deaths.

Zeke: Whoa! Nice shot, Luca. I guess that's it.
Guard: [Hounds 2 and 3, status report!]
Luca: This is Hound 2, extermination successful. Awaiting further orders.
Guard: [Good dogs. Hold position. An armed escort wi-*static*]
Luca: Port, respond... Looks like Keith's plan is working.
Zeke: Yeah!
Luca: Remember, we only have ten minutes. I'll head south. Zeke, you search around the old hotel.
Zeke: Got it!
Luca: (Hang on just a little longer, Sho. We'll find something to help you...)

    The two immediately split up. They searched high and low, they searched under every rock, but to no avail. Comms came back online and minutes later, armed troops arrived to escort Luca and Zeke back to the Port. The next day, as Luca wakes up to see Lil, Marr, and Hugo together. Luca walked up to them and as he got closer, he noticed that Lil was crying.

Lil: *sniffle*
Luca: Lil, what's wrong?
Lil: ...S-Sho. He's...

Luca looked over at Sho, only to see him laying down; barely saying a word. Hugo explained that Sho hasn't eaten anything and is barely talking.

Luca: Sho...
Hugo: And that's not the worst part. Lil...
Lil: Yesterday, after you guys left, I noticed the guard put something into Sho's medicine before giving it to him. After he took it, he started coughing even more. I-I didn't say anything before because I was scared and I wasn't even sure at first.

Luca stood there speechless at the possibility that Sho was poisoned. Suddenly, he heard the guard muttering to himself.

Guard: About time the brat shut up. Little freaks who decide to piss off grownups always get what's coming to them. Now I can finally get some peace and quiet.

Hearing those words, Luca clenched his fists in anger, then relaxed them seconds later. He then looked at Sho, then turned around went back to his bed. He stared silently at the photos above his bed. Photos of the other AGEs who had died before and began to worry. Worry at the possibility that Sho would join them soon. An hour later; Luca, Hugo and Zeke were sent to the city for an extermination order.

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