Chapter 8: Claire Victorious

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The AGEs have been given their first assignment: to clear the area of Aragami so that the Chrysanthemum can pass through. Hilda told them that they would be accompanied by the Gleipnir God Eater whose on board. Luca and Hugo head to the 3rd floor of the ship to meet this God Eater. A young woman with short blonde hair and a backpack stood guard in front of the cargo hold. She notices Luca and Hugo walk up to her.

Blonde Haired Girl: Y-Yes?
Hugo: Hmm... I wonder what could be so important that Gleipnir sends one of their own to guard it.
Blonde Haired Girl: I'm sorry but that information is classified. Only Gleipnir officers are allowed inside.
Hugo: (So in other words, something extremely valuable.) Anyway, you got a name?
Blonde Haired Girl: Gleipnir 6th Engineering Battalion Special Transport Unit, and head of House Victorious: Claire Victorious.
Luca: ...
Hugo: ...You can just call me Hugo.
Claire: And you...?
Luca: ...Luca.
Claire: Well then Luca, Hugo... If that is all, then please leave so I may return to my duties.
Hugo: Well, that's the thing. The owner wants us to clear the way and was hoping you would come with.
Claire: I-I was given strict orders not to abandon my post.
Hugo: Yeah... Pretty sure defending whatever's behind there becomes a moot point if everyone on the ship dies.

    Claire reluctantly joins the AGEs as they leave the Crawler and make their way to an old town. Thanks to the modified Bias Factor, normal God Eaters obtain the ability to fight in high density ash areas. However, constant use of this Bias Factor can cause major harm to the body, so post-mission medical examinations are required.

Amy: [Can everyone hear me alright?]
Hugo: Yeah, loud and clear. What can we expect?
Amy: [From the last scan, looks like a few assorted small Aragami along with what appears to be a Nemian.]
Hugo: Got it.
Amy: [Remember, the mission isn't over until all four of you are back at the Mum safe and sound. With that said, good luck!]
Zeke: Man... This is way better than some angry old dude yelling in our ears.
Amy: [Huh?]
Hugo: ...It's a long story.

    As Hugo was about to order his team to move out, he noticed Luca staring at Claire.

Hugo: You noticed it too?
Luca: Yeah...
Claire: Right... We should be coming up on the Aragami any moment now. I suggest that we—
Luca: The only thing you should focus on is ranged support.
Claire: Huh?! But—
Luca: *glare* ...Are you deaf? You'll only get in our way. Provide ranged support and don't you dare stray from the group. Understand?
Claire: ...
Luca: Good...

The four headed off to where the Aragami were. They were then suddenly ambushed by a Zygote. Claire immediately transformed her spear into an assault gun, but before she could take aim, Luca threw one of his blades at the Aragami's massive eye. The Aragami immediately fell to the ground. Luca then walked up to it, took hold of his blade, and pushed it deeper into the Zygote, killing it instantly. The commotion attracted the other Aragami and they all converged on the four God Eaters.

An Ogretail jumped at Hugo, however he blocked and pushed it away. He then followed that up with an upward slash and splitting its head in two. Zeke evaded as two Axe Raiders ran at him, only to end up hitting each other, allowing him to raise his hammer and bring it down on both of their heads. Both of these moments, Claire had a clear shot, but could never open fire due to the interference of the two AGEs. Luca, running past two Ogertails he just killed now begins to fight the Nemian.

The Nemian jumped high into the air and dived toward Luca. However, he did not attempt to block or evade, instead, he slashed at the Aragami's legs the moment it was within range. With its legs damaged, the Nemian has lost its mobility. The wing-like appendages on the top of its head began to glow red and with a single flap, shot red hot feathers, but Luca deflected them all with his blades. Luca rushed at the Aragami, countering the lunging strikes of its blades and smashing them. He then once again slashed its legs, causing it to fall onto its knees and finally stabbing the top of its head. As he walked away from the dead creature, an Ogretail lunged at him. Before he could counter it, Claire immediately opened fire and killed the Aragami. Luca silently stared at Claire and then turned away. After killing all the Aragami, the God Eaters were about to head back to the ship but suddenly received a message from Amy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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