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''Oh shit, I'm sorry,'' said the girl that bumped into me. I was lying almost flat on the floor, bumping my head in the nearby chair in the process.

She looked very drunk. Her words were slurred and her face was dazed but she still managed to look amazing in the dress she was wearing.  A man suddenly stood up behind her and helped me stand up. As soon as I was up on my feet again everything just went completely dark for a second. I only felt his tight grip on my hand. People around me were either laughing or looking very amused. I, however, was not.

''Don't worry, it's okay. And thank you for helping me up,'' I said as calmly as possible. 

''I apologize for my friend's behavior, she's had too much to drink,'' he stated, holding her back by the elbow.

''It's okay. Really,'' I just wanted to go home and even on a short 'journey' like that, I could not pass without an incident. 

''Your nose is bleeding,'' he looked puzzled and quite possibly worried. Now I for sure must look like a mad woman. My hand instinctively shot up to try to stop the bleeding but I just probably pushed the blood around my face. Almost my entire hand was covered in blood. Great. 

Graham walked down from the bar to see if I was okay. He carried a bag of ice in his hand and a cloth in his other hand. He looked possibly mad. 

''What the fuck do you think you're doing?'' he asked angrily. I thought he was pissed at me but then it finally clicked. He thought the guy punched me. Honestly, if he did I probably would have broken his nose or jaw. You know whatever breaks first. We moved to the more secluded part of the bar so we wouldn't cause even more of a ruckus. 

''I didn't do anything,'' the guy said. It must've clicked for him too, because he looked hurt and furious at the same time, while still holding his friend tightly beside him. 

She was mumbling some incoherent words about how sorry she was. Or perhaps she was singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I truly was not sure. 

''You can't just casually stroll in here and bloody a few noses. We do not condone violence here,'' I have never seen graham so angry. I was afraid he might pop a blood vessel. He kindly passed me the cloth and the ice.

''Hey, she ran-''

''It's okay Graham. I was walking out and collided with this girl. He didn't do anything besides helping me stand up.'' I wanted to go home. My head hurt and I just wanted to lie down on a bunch of soft pillows and stay there. I felt like I was going to be sick. I dropped the ice and just sat on the floor. 

''Ivy are you okay?'' Graham was looking down at me, worry in his eyes, his fingers fidgeting. I wanted to answer but I fell into a trance. I wanted to say that I cannot spend another minute here. I wanted to sleep or throw up. either would do. I felt a pair of strong hands lift me and take me to the back. At least I think that's where we were. 

''Ivy can you hear me? I think you may have a concussion?''

''Really?'' I mumbled. ''I think I'm going to be sick.'' somehow a bucket just appeared in front of me. I hurled my guts out. It was not very fun. Would not recommend.

''That's it I'm calling an ambulance,'' voices were just there. I wasn't quite sure what was going on. I just wanted to close my eyes for a bit. Just to rest for a while.


Annoying noise woke me up and surprisingly it was not my alarm. The first thing I noticed was the harsh lighting. Somebody pricked my finger and I wasn't quite sure what was happening. 

''Ivy can you hear me,'' why was this woman so annoying. She was repeating herself like a broken record. She had a red jacket on and red pants with some kind of reflective stripes. I wanted to comment on that but words just wouldn't budge. 

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