Chapter 8

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It has been a bit over a moon since Owlpaw's accident, and he has been recovering quickly. Fawnpaw has been visiting him in the medicine cat den everyday. Fawnpaw has just returned from dawn patrol. She hates going on dawn patrol. She would much rather be sleeping in her nest.

"Hey Fawnpaw!" Sagepool calls at the dark brown tabby apprentice. The medicine cat's eyes are wide, which makes Fawnpaw worry a little inside.

"What is it, Sagepool?" Fawnpaw asks the medicine cat.

"It's Owlpaw! He's walking a little again!" Sagepool meows happily.

"Wait, really?! You scared me a little there for a second!" Fawnpaw responds. Sagepool nods in reply.

"Come and see!" Sagepool meows, starting to run off to the medicine cat den. Fawnpaw chases after her excitedly, gaining some hope for her injured littermate. She then enters the medicine cat den, looking inside. Fawnpaw gasps as she spots Owlpaw on all four paws with Cloudheart beside him.

"Walk like you did before, Owlpaw!" Cloudheart meows. Owlpaw nods in response and begins to walk.

"He is limping a little, but he is starting to get around on his own again." Sagepool meows.

"That's fantastic!" Fawnpaw meows happily. "I have to tell the others and spread the word!" She meows.

"Don't get too excited. He is still not ready to start training again." Cloudheart informs the apprentice.

"Oh.. okay. This is still good though!" Fawnpaw meows cheerfully. She then quickly dashes out of the medicine cat den, looking for her other littermates. She then spots Ravenpaw and Amberpaw eating a mouse together. Fawnpaw had went on dawn patrol with them.

"Hey! Guess what?" Fawnpaw meows happily.

"You're acting oddly happy. What's up?" Amberpaw asks her littermate.

"Owlpaw is walking again!" Fawnpaw shares, swaying her tail excitedly.

"Wait, really?" Ravenpaw asks.

"Yep! I just saw him do it!" Fawnpaw meows. "He can't get back to training yet, but it's still progress." She tells them.

"That's amazing! I hope he joins us again very soon." Amberpaw meows. Fawnpaw then dashes off towards the apprentices' den, assume her other littermate is in there. When she pads in, she spots Cinderpaw still asleep in her nest.

Lucky. Fawnpaw thinks. She sneaks closer to the silver cat, trying not to make any sound that would wake her up. Then, she tackles her sleeping littermate, which awakens her. Cinderpaw lets out a high-pitched squeal, which makes Fawnpaw let out a purr of amusement.

"Hey! That was not funny! I thought I was being attacked!" Cinderpaw meows.

"Yes it was! Your reaction was priceless!" Fawnpaw responds, continuing to purr with amusement.

"You're such a bully!" Cinderpaw replies.

"I am aware." Fawnpaw replies. "By the way, I have some news for you." She meows.

"What is it? Are you finally going to be nicer? You're only nice to Owlpaw!" Cinderpaw replies. Fawnpaw shakes her head no.

"Funny for you to mention Owlpaw, because he can walk again!" Fawnpaw meows happily.

"Oh StarClan, yay!" Cinderpaw replies. "Can he train with us again now?" She asks Fawnpaw.

"No. He's not ready for that yet." Fawnpaw replies.

"Oh frog-dung!" Cinderpaw responds. "But hey, at least it's some good news!" She meows.

"See you later! Thornpelt probably wants me to do something." Fawnpaw meows. She turns around and exits the apprentices' den.

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