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──── 「HONOR OUR DEAD」 ────

     Sam took O out of the airlock and the rest of us followed; as everyone recovered from the shook and got back to what they were doing, Sam took O to medical to check her wound and left her there with Clarke and Jasper while she went back to O'...

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     Sam took O out of the airlock and the rest of us followed; as everyone recovered from the shook and got back to what they were doing, Sam took O to medical to check her wound and left her there with Clarke and Jasper while she went back to O's room to look for some clothes. I followed her.

- "You okay?"

- "I don't need a babysitter, Bellamy. I'm fine on my own, seriously."

- "Emerson said he got you."

- "Yeah, Emerson did a lot of talking and little fighting; that's why he's dead."

- "I should have gone with you, wherever you were going after leaving O and Jasper in her room. He was right, we should have stayed in groups; maybe I could have been more helpful and..."

- "Why don't you see it this way..." –she eyed me- "...I killed Emerson and dealt with my rage, we are all alive... well, not all of us." –she clenched her fists at her sides and took a deep breath- "At least I got rid of a bit of the adrenaline I had accumulated over the past weeks, but don't tell that to Sheda, he'll give me another lecture about emotions, breathing techniques and how to learn patience." -she ended moving her hands in the air as if she were brushing the topic away.

- "Sam..."

- "Alright." –she stopped in the middle of the corridor- "You want me to talk about what just happened? Fine." –she crossed her arms over her chest- "Yes, I'm glad I killed Emerson, it's not like he did any good to the world anyway. No, I don't regret it. Yes, I'm okay with killing people if they hurt or try hurting us; I'm Jusheda after all."

- "That's not what I meant."

- "Enlighten me, but keep moving." –she turned around and started walking again.

- "I don't think you're okay." –I sighed moving after her.

- "You're right, I'm not. Haven't been for a while and don't expect to be any time soon but I don't care; there are other things we have to worry about like destroying A.L.I.E. before we all become robots."

So stubborn. We made it to Lincoln and O's old room and Sam moved straight towards the wardrobe not looking around. I stood at the entrance checking the condition of the room: broken things all over the place, Lincoln's clothes had been unfolded and were scattered all around, and there were some tiny spots of blood on the floor. I was going to squat to inspect them when Sam's voice called my attention.

- "It's Jasper's."

- "How...?"

- "There were only two people in this room when I left. O's only bleeding from her chest and when I left she was wearing a jacket. Why would she had taken it off to fight Emerson? She wouldn't, and the only way to get a cut like that is if your enemy is behind you; I know O's way of fighting so that's not even close to a possibility. Jasper, however, has a decent cut on his head. When I left, he was standing on the door; I assume Emerson knocked him out first and then went for O and she fought him hence this mess." –she shook her head- "Maybe if I had stayed a couple more minutes..."

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