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     After everything that happened at Mount Weather and once we went back to Arkadia, something always felt off

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     After everything that happened at Mount Weather and once we went back to Arkadia, something always felt off. Bellamy was the first person that came through the door, closely followed by Abby, running towards the Medical Center where Sinclair and I had left Sam in Jackson's hands. Bellamy came out soon after, probably kicked out by Abby, with his shoulders dropped and looking down but was soon stopped by Pike who patted him on the back as he spoke to him and Bellamy soon recovered his composure; I wasn't sure how to feel about that but I let it go.

- "Hey." –he approached me- "How are you?"

- "I'm fine. Sam saved me again; if it weren't for her, if she hadn't told us... Sinclair and I would be dead too."

- "What happened to him?"

- "The Grounder put up a fight once we were out." -he nodded, but his mind seemed to be far from our conversation- "Are you okay?"

- "I wasn't there."

- "You know what I mean..." –I glanced at him before looking back at the Medical Center's door.

- "Abby says she's lost a lot of blood and has a couple of first-degree burns on her back... she says she's lucky to be alive..."

- "Hey, she'll get through this." –I squeezed his shoulder- "She just needs a little time and rest. I'm sure Abby and Jackson will take good care of her."

- "Raven..." –he sighed looking at his hands- "It's my fault."

- "What?"

- "She stayed back at Mount Weather because of me."

- "That's not true, she stayed back because she doesn't trust Pike."

- "I didn't ask her to come with me, I know she'd have." –he sighed running a hand through his hair- "It's always been my fault... every time she's been about to die it's been because of me: the day we went to look for Octavia, the battle against the Grounders and both times she's been at the Mountain... It's my fault, Raven, I keep getting her hurt some way or another and I can't stand it."

I didn't know what to say; I didn't know Bellamy had been feeling like this all this time.

- "Bellamy..." –I started but someone cut me off.

- "Bellamy? We need you."

Jackson came out of the Medical Center and Bellamy was quick to leave after him, leaving me to my thoughts. Each of those times it was Sam who made the call and he knows it but, for some reason, he keeps blaming himself. He needs to figure this out before it gets worse and he breaks both of them... I need to talk with Sam.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 · 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘥 ³Where stories live. Discover now