Most Embarrassing Moments

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Valt: *was caught singing "Let It Go" in the shower*

Shu: *tripped in front of a crowd of fangirls*

Rantaro: *caught stalking Wakiya* Don't say anything. If you do, you're dead.

Wakiya: *kissed Rantaro's forehead thinking he was sleeping but he was awake*

Daina: *screeched like a fan girl seeing BTS on TV*

Kensuke: *pretending being a bad boi in front of BeyClub*


Lui: *trying to reach a high shelf but fell to the floor* *i totally didn't record that stfu*

Xhaka: *screamed because he thought he was dying in lava when he was actually in a ball pit*

Zac: *was caught kissing Akira*

Free: *he's too cool to do anything embarrassing. plus, he's always sleeping and doing nothing*

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