2. sidewalk chalk covered in snow

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"Screw you, Ross!" Mireille flipped the bird as his contact picture appeared on her screen again, an old candid photo she took of him on set one day of him shouting, with bugged eyes, and a vein popping in his forehead

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"Screw you, Ross!" Mireille flipped the bird as his contact picture appeared on her screen again, an old candid photo she took of him on set one day of him shouting, with bugged eyes, and a vein popping in his forehead. The California sun warmed her face as she stepped out of the building. She never wanted to return or see Hunter's face again. Her heels clicked on the pavement as she made her way down the sidewalk to wait for Angelina to pick her up. Mireille knew Ross would keep calling until she answered, always wanting his voice to be heard, and his commands to be followed. But she wasn't ready to speak with him, not ready to be chastised for standing up for herself.

Her phone vibrated. She ignored it.

She leaned her back against the wall, the concrete scraping her shoulder blades slightly, and wasted no time unbuckling the strappy heels on her feet that Angelina insisted she wore. Mireille loved them, the way the crimson color contrasted against her pale skin, and how much she loved showing off a fresh pedicure, but she quickly shrunk four inches and dangled the shoes from her fingers.

It vibrated and she ignored it again.

And again.

And again.

Huffing, she fished out her phone again but sighed when she saw another face on the screen. Pretty blonde, stunning eyes, obsessive attitude but the most loyal person on the planet. Charlotte. Mireille pressed the green button knowing she deserved an explanation.

"Charlotte," Mireille said in a sing-song voice.

"Mireille." In one word, underneath the one tone of her name, she knew Charlotte was upset. Mireille started explaining right away.

"Charlotte. He was rude. Did you hear the questions he was asking me? And the way he kept interrupting me. No respect at all. I cannot believe him, can you? Like I was such a huge fan. I've watched all his videos and I even thought he was hot at one point. Disgusting. I am disgusted with myself."

Mireille paced as she spoke, her hands talking with her.

"All he kept asking was about the men in my life. Where is the common decency to ask me about myself?"

The silence on the other end was deafening.

"Char? I'm sorry, okay, but I couldn't let it slide. He needed to know I didn't appreciate the kinds of questions he was asking, especially when it comes to you know who."

A deep, deep sigh.

"I just got off the phone with your brother. He chewed me out."

"He what you out? Wow, I didn't know you had a thing for my brother." Mireille laughed as she twirled on the balls of her feet on the sidewalk. The sky was clear, the sun warming her. Her skin was already starting to burn.

"Stop. He yelled at me. A lot." Charlotte spoke, her voice soft and unlike her. It gave Mireille pause.

"Who, Ross? Wait, are you about to cry right now?" Mireille asked, and then the line went silent again. When she heard a slight sniffling, her heart shattered and she sank to sit on the curb, dropping her heels on the asphalt. The hem of her dress fell into a puddle but she paid no mind.

"Oh, no, Charlotte. I'm so sorry. He is such an asshole! Ever since he got this idea in his head that he's gonna write all of this season and the next by himself, his head's blown up. He's been going off on everyone lately, even Matt. I'm gonna call him, okay? I'll fix it with him, make him apologize, and—"

"It won't matter anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know..."

"What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

"I think he hates me, that's all. It's, like, ever since you got me this job, I can't do anything right in his eyes. And, I try so hard to please him, and I'm treated like crap. Ellison and I stayed up all night last night because Ross wanted something edited and read over for an outside perspective, okay..."

Mireille dropped her head as she heard the tears in Charlotte's voice. The drama and anger of earlier times took a back seat, all of it seeming so petty in the shadow of one of her friends being brought to tears because of the actions of herself and her brother.

"I didn't get any sleep and I've already read and edited that piece five times already. I told him that it was already perfect, and he yelled at me about that, too. Went on a rant about how something is missing. Then he ripped the paper we spent weeks on and shoved it down his garbage disposal. I don't know how much longer I can take this, Char. I love you but there has to be a breaking point."

"Honey..." Mireille said as she heard Charlotte break down in tears.

"Honey?" Mireille said again and Charlotte drew in a shaky breath.


"I understand, okay? I do. Deep breaths. Three deep breaths. Count for me." She reminded Charlotte of their routine when she started panicking. Mirielle waited for her to begin to count down from three while breathing. Shaky at first, but they became steady.

"Good. I will talk to him, okay? Take a break from him for a couple days. Don't think about everything that's happened this week or this weekend. Can you do that?"

"I think so." She sounded unsure.

"Okay, now, tomorrow afternoon, Angelina and I are flying out tomorrow morning to do her portfolio at the new studio in Georgia before filming starts. I know you aren't coming until a couple days later but do you want help with that? It'll take your mind off all the drama. Bring Ellison. I haven't seen him in such a long time. We'll do the photoshoot, go out for dinner, and anything else you want to do. Then, we can talk about what you want to do."

"Sure. Sounds really fun. Thank you, Mer."

"Of course. You're my friend. I love you."

"I love you, too."

When they hung up the phone, Mireille opened her contacts and tried to call her older brother. It rang and rang, going to voicemail each time. On the twentieth attempt, a text message from Ross popped up on her screen.

I'm writing. Can't talk on the phone right now. We'll talk tonight. Let's meet at our usual spot. 

She ignored his request and sent a barrage of messages back at him.

Apologize to Charlotte.

Apologize to Charlotte.

Apologize to Charlotte.

Apologize to Charlotte.

He ignored them, always the robot.

Turning my phone off now. See you tonight.


hi, you guys! I hope you all like it so far

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hi, you guys! I hope you all like it so far. the cutest man in the world will be here in a couple more chapters. I also wanted to thank you guys for all the support on this story, all the views, comments, and votes!!! 


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